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Does the Fujifilm X-T4 Overheat? Tony Northrup Says YES and Calls it Flawed, But Others Disagree and Get Different Results

Tony Northrup has recently released 2 videos, stating that the Fujifilm X-T4 has a serious overheating issue. So much so, that he called the X-T4 “flawed”. I will share both videos down below.

Balbo42 was curious about it and tested the X-T4 overheating by himself. Turns out he could not back it up. Here is what he says:

  • Tony says the X-T4 overheats badly in video (in his video he calls the X-T4 “flawed” because of that)
  • potential buyers are of course scared by that, and might not buy X-T4 after such a negative review
  • he says that Tony ends up recommending buying a used Fujifilm X-T3, and Balbo42 points out that Tony’s video is sponsored by KEH, which sells used gear
    [FR-admin: I don’t think Tony did it to drive sales to his affiliation partner. In the Fuji community, there is a good number of X shooters, who recommend to buy X-T3 over X-T4, unless you really want IBIS and longer battery life. Tony is just one of those.]
  • in the X-T4 manual, it’s written that it has 20 minutes 4K60p limit, which can be shorter in hot outside temperatures
  • he brought out his camera at 30˚ Celsius (86˚Fahrenheit) and shot at 4K60p
  • after 20 minutes the camera asks to be turned off
  • if you turn off at that point, and quickly switch on again, then you can record for 2 to 5 minutes again
  • he turned the camera off and let it rest for 30 minutes on his balcony (at 86 fahrenheit)
  • he then filmed for 19:30 again, before the camera turned off
  • another 30 minutes break on the balcony
  • he then filmed again 20 more minutes in 4K60p
  • he gets the same results at H265 and H264
  • no footage was lost. The camera always stored the file before shutting off
  • the camera is not flawed like Tony Northrup says. It’s just not designed to film hours and hours of content in 4K60p. It’s written also in the manual that it has a 20 minutes limit in 4K60p
  • 4K60p is the most intensive for the processor
  • if he shoots at 4K30p, the manual says you can film 30 minutes (an arbitrary limit due to old EU tariffs). So it’s a software limit, not hardware limit
  • he filmed 30 minutes 4K30p, got not overheating warning
  • after 30 minutes, he just switched OFF and then immediately ON the camera again, and he filmed 30 more minutes, without any overheating warning
  • he switched OFF and ON again, and it filmed again 30 minutes with no warning
  • at 4K30p 30 minutes limit is purely software limit
  • usually he never shoots 4K60p for a long time, he just needs it to make some slow motion B-Roll
  • if you do not buy the Fujifilm X-T4 because of Tony Northrup, you will be missing out on an amazing hybrid camera

Now, I never run an torture test on my X-T4, but in all the long videos I filmed for my COVID-19 caused online lessons, my Fujifilm X-T4 was an extremely reliable film-partner.

The only thing that annoyed me, was that with my 64GB SD-Card, it recorded the video in 1 single clip, but when I switched to my 32GB card, it spilt the video in multiple smaller files. This is something that is written in the manual, and I forgot for a moment. So, from there on, I only used 64GB cards or higher, so I get one nice big file to work on in post.

I agree with Balbo42, the Fujifilm X-T4 is an amazing hybrid camera. Calling if flawed is… well… let’s say a “bold” statement.

But hey, this is FujiRumors. We share it all, and you guys make up your own mind.

The Videos

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Fringer EX-FX (Pro) II Smart Autofocus Adapter Firmware 1.80 Released

Fringer has released firmware 1.80 for the Fringer EF-FX Pro II and Fringer EF-FX II smart autofocus adapters.

Main improvements include:​

Version 1.80

  1. Fixed IBIS issues on X-H1 and X-T4:
    ZEISS Milvus 85mm f/1.4 ZE
    Carl Zeiss Distagon T* 15mm f/2.8 ZE
    Carl Zeiss Distagon T* 18mm f/3.5 ZE
    Carl Zeiss Distagon T* 21mm f/2.8 ZE
    Carl Zeiss Distagon T* 25mm f/2 ZE
    Carl Zeiss Distagon T* 28mm f/2 ZE
    Carl Zeiss Distagon T* 35mm f/2 ZE
    Carl Zeiss Distagon T* 35mm f/1.4 ZE
    Carl Zeiss Planar T* 50mm f/1.4 ZE
    Carl Zeiss Makro-Planar T* 50mm f/2 ZE
    Carl Zeiss Makro-Planar T* 100mm f/2 ZE
  2. Fixed PDAF issues for some lens of the following models: Lens didn’t get recognized by the adapter due to different lens firmware version.
    SIGMA 500/4 DG OS HSM SPORTS + 1.4X
  3. Fixed the issue that PDAF support of Sigma 30/1.4 ART was accidentally disabled in version 1.70
  4. Added following lenses to the tested and optimized lens list:
    EF 400mm f/4 DO IS II USM
    EF 400mm f/4 DO IS II USM + 1.4X

You may download new firmware and its release notes from the Fringer website. Read the release notes or user manual to understand how to upgrade.

via Fringer

Top 10 July Posts: Full Frame kills APS-C? :: Fujinon XF27mmF2.8 and XF50mmF1.0 Rumors :: Fujifilm X-H2 Dreams and More

I did my best to run FujiRumors during my holiday in South Italy, and I hope you did not notice all too much that I was busy with jumping into crystal clear water, eating ice cream and enjoying cool beers (my reward after months of COVID-19 caused home teaching).

But now I am at home again, and FujiRumors has all my attention again… so, get ready for some good stuff coming in August ;).

And in case you were busy with holidays too and missed some of our articles, here is a list of top ten July posts that you should better not have missed.

With that said, even on holidays, be careful, take your precautions and make sure to stay safe.

  1. Fujifilm APS-C is Dead? Nikon Z5, Sony A7III, Canon R6 vs the Fujifilm X Series Art of Balance
  2. RUMOR: Fujifilm to Launch Fujinon XF 27mm f/2.8 Mark II
  3. Fujifilm X Lab Episode 2: The ACROS Magic, Fuji X-T3 Autofocus Regrets, Kaizen Updates and Looking Forward to X Series Future
  4. Astrophotography with Fujifilm: Get Stellar Results with Fujifilm APS-C and Medium Format Cameras
  5. Nikkei: “Japanese Camera Industry Strangles Itself. 88% Decline in 10 Years. On the Brink of Extinction, Unless…”
  6. The Fujifilm X-Pro3 will Save Photography and More Companies Should Take the Risk to Do Unique Things
  7. FR-readers Wishlist Corner: Fujifilm X-H2 Dream Features, Fujifilm X-E4 Survey, Fujinon XF 135mm F3.5 and More
  8. Fujifilm X-T4 Firmware 1.02 Tested: This Pro Videographer is Blown Away by Improved IBIS and Wishes the Same for Fujifilm X-H1
  9. Fujifilm USA Explains How You Can Become a Fujifilm Ambassador in 3 Steps and Announces X Photographers Program Changes
  10. RUMOR: Fujinon XF 50mm f/1.0 Coming 2020 for Around $1,500

Do not miss:

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The Power of Fujifilm Colors: See Pure Fuji Colors in Action at our New Fujifilm Film Simulations Group

Let’s start with a curiosity:

The same guy at Fujifilm, who crafted the original films like Velvia, is still in charge of developing new film simulations. Yep, he is responsible for Fujifilm’s color science since 50 years now! We reported about Minami-San here. A life devoted to colors.

A devotion, that translates into those lovely film simulations, Fujifilm X and GFX shooters usually appreciate a lot.

Personally, I am at a point, where film simulation are one of the reasons, I would not leave the Fuji system anymore. I mean, it’s nice to know I come home from a 2 weeks holiday with many images, and that those lovely film simulations will save me lots of editing time because they give me great results out of the box.

And then I thought…

Many of you reading this blog, maybe don’t own a Fujifilm camera, maybe you just think to get one, and maybe you wonder what’s all the buzz around these “film simulations”.

Well, in order to show you this, I decided to launch e new facebook group, dedicated to Fujifilm film simulation: Fujifilm Film Simulations Facebook Group.

In this group, images can be edited in all their parts (sharpening, shadow/highlight recovery etc), except for colors. The colors must come purely out of the Fujifilm camera (or be applied in post in Capture One / Lightroom)

So, if you are curious to see the Fujifilm film simulations in action, or if you want to share your own images and display the power of Fuji colors, then feel free to join here.

The Power of Film Simulations – IMAGES

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The Camera Industry Crisis: Who Will Fall and Who Will Survive? My Opinion, Your Vote!

Recently we published an article, where Nikkei experts predicted a dark future for the camera industry. It’s an interesting one, that goes beyond the statement “smartphones are to blame for that“. Make sure to read if first here.

This is kind of a follow up article to that.

Here are a few considerations, and then feel free to say your opinion in the comments and to vote the survey down below.

Let’s start!

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IBIS Showdown 2020: Fujifilm X-T4 vs Panasonic GH5 vs Olympus E-M1 III vs Sony A6600

IMPORTANT UPDATE: X-T4 is with older firmware and not with firmware 1.02, as imaging resource told me.

Imaging Resource has compared the IBIS performance of the following 4 cameras:

It is unclear if the Fujifilm X-T4 was used with the very recent firmware 1.02, which hugely improved IBIS performance.

Down below you can find the video and a summary of the results.

In short: while MFT cameras still are the top, the Fujifilm X-T4 holds up surprisingly well, whereas the Sony falls clearly behind all of them.

IBIS Showdown (Video + Summary)

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Astrophotography with Fujifilm: Get Stellar Results with Fujifilm APS-C and Medium Format Cameras

I have received an email from a fellow member of our Fujifilm Astrophography facebook group, which said:

I was thinking you could perhaps share some of the pics taken on the FB group “Astrophotography with Fujifilm” that you manage. Lots of awesome pictures there! We often hear you need an expensive full frame camera or big telescope, but that’s just wrong, as this group suggests.

That would be great to attract more Fuji shooters to this group, it’s a very nice community where we help each other and learn from our experiences.

Astro can be daunting for the newbie, but it shouldn’t. Also, there aren’t a lot of Fuji shooters in the astro community, so I’m sure it could spread the virus — the good one!

Oh well, here it is.

Have fun and may this post inspire you to try your luck with the stars, too :).

Images Roundup

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FR-readers Wishlist Corner: Fujifilm X-H2 Dream Features, Fujifilm X-E4 Survey, Fujinon XF 135mm F3.5 and More

I apologize, because…

… I try and I think I succeed to reply to every single one of the 20+ emails and personal messages I get every single day.

However, not always I am able to give you the comprehensive reply you’d deserve, for a simple reason: time!

In fact, I have day job as a teacher and I run FujiRumors totally alone. Hence, in order to be able to reply to everyone with the limited time I have left, sometimes I just must give a shorter reply, even if often your emails would deserve a comprehensive answer.

Now, some of the most interesting emails I get, are those, with input, ideas and wishes for future Fujifilm products.

And since also to those emails, often I can’t reply as comprehensively as I’d love to, I had the idea to share them with the entire FujiRumors community, and extend the discussion to all of you.

Last time we discussed:

  • read here – FR-readers Wishlist Corner: Fujifilm X-TSony, Firmware Upgrade Suggestions, Lens Wishes and Much More

Today I’d have selected a few more of those wishes.

So, if anyone reading this is interested, feel free to drop your thoughts in the comments.

You have wishes about the Fujifilm future, too? Well, then write me at

Have a wonderful weekend,

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Wishlist Roundup

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Fujifilm X-T4 Firmware 1.02 Significantly Improves IBIS but Makes Boost Mode Worse?

We just reported about how the Fujifilm X-T4 firmware 1.02 improved video autofocus performance in this dedicated article (with video comparison).

Now here is part 2 of our Fujifilm X-T4 firmware 1.02 coverage, and this time we focus on IBIS.

Down below you can see three videos. All three say that IBIS has indeed been significantly improved (and confirm our early report here).

However, kushagra K noticed that in one specific scenario, IBIS seems to be worse with firmware 1.02 compared to 1.01: Boost Mode! (that’s the mode used to emulate a tripod and should not be used when panning or moving the camera)

According to kushagra K, Boost mode now gives some wavy movements in the corners, that were not there with firmware 1.01. The Issue is more visible with wide angle lenses.

Again, mostly the feedback is very positive, but the thing with the Boost Mode has to be investigated further and, if confirmed, Fujifilm better quickly works to fix it.

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Top X-T Community: Fujifilm X-T facebook group
Top X-T Page: Fujifilm X-T Page

Fujifilm X-T4 IBIS Videos

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Fujifilm X-T4 firmware 1.02 vs 1.01 Video Autofocus Comparison with XF56mmF1.2 Shows Significant Improvement

Just click, and the video above starts at 5:20, hence exactly at the point, where you see the comparison

Fujifilm X-T4 FW 1.02

A few weeks ago, Fujifilm released firmware 1.02 for Fujifilm X-T4 cameras (I did update mine via Fujifilm Smartphone App, and you?).

Officially, it improves IBIS (with great results) and fixes some bugs.

There was not mention of anything autofocus related, but as FujiRumors reported here, one of the hidden improvements should be better video autofocus with DC motor driven lenses (such as the Fujinon XF56mm f/1.2, which until firmware 1.01 was a horrible lens for video AF).

Now the French channel Les Guides Fujifilm & Sony tested Fujifilm X-T4 firmware 1.02 using the XF56mmF1.2 and also compared it to firmware 1.01.

What he notices:

  • Firmware 1.01
    – many hesitations and pumping
    – not acceptable
  • Firmware 1.02
    – walking faster: wow, it reacts pretty well
    – when his subject walked slowly, it did not hesitate at all
    – pumping movements he had with firmware 1.01 are mostly gone, almost perfect
    – when his subject moves out of frame and then back in frame, the camera detects his face and does not hesitate when locking on his face
    – the focus moves more gracefully

He rightfully wonders why Fujifilm didn’t mention this big improvement on his official firmware 1.02 page, but luckily there is FujiRumors for that ;).

FujiRumors is on Patreon, Facebook, Instagram, RSS-feed, Youtube, Flipboard and Twitter

Top X-T Community: Fujifilm X-T facebook group
Top X-T Page: Fujifilm X-T Page