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mini miXed zone: Fuji-X on assignment, X-E2 after the firmware 2.00 and TCL-X100 first impressions


Fuji-X on assignment

– Matt Brandon (thedigitaltrekker):

“I wanted to write and say thanks for your help in finding great examples of other professionals who are actively using the Fujifilm X-System for their work.

As you know, I was approached by Channel 4 in England to be their set/still photographer for their new drama called Indian Summers being shot on location here in Penang, Malaysia. Indian Summers is being produced by Channel 4 and PBS masterpiece in the US.

When the Producer told me that Channel 4 needed a gear list I was quite surprised and a little nervous. I had never had a client ask for a gear list. So I sent them this link to my gear page. The producer seemed a bit taken aback by me using such a small system. He asked if it could still deliver the resolution they need. I told them I was confident it could. Given that they were so concerned about gear, I thought the powers-that-be might have a problem with me shooting with the X-System. So I sent them the list of a few of the photographers you sent me along with several links to my work using these cameras. Apparently that did the trick.

I am now the official set photographer for this production which could last until Oct. Here is the announcement I made on my blog.  I don’t have any idea how many productions are being or have been shot with Fujifilm gear, but my guess is not many. Maybe this is a new inroad for Fujifilm, I don’t know. My Channel 4 contact in England, the producer and actors here all love what I am giving them. I wish I could show you some of the images, but unfortunately I am bound by contract to keep them private until the series airs in early 2015.

Thanks again for your help. Matt Brandon

Mike Croshaw: “Hi, shot some weddings with the Fuji system this week and started blogging about it.” Read it here. “On this second wedding the main photographer was confused by my choice of camera, he didn’t understand why I would choose to not shoot with a DSLR.  By the end of the wedding, once he had seen the images, he was asking how much they were!”

X-E2 firmware 2.00

– Fuji X-E2 – Firmware update and their ongoing camera support at soundimageplus: “It’s a somewhat old-fashioned concept to keep adding free upgrades to old models in order to promote customer […] there is no doubt that Fuji have established a different kind of rapport / feedback relationship with their target customer base and to date, certainly as far as I’m concerned, it’s one that I like. Personally I also think that this is the way to add an upmarket image to what they produce.”

– Re-review: Revisiting the Fujifilm X-E2 with Firmware Version 2.0 at bigheadtaco: “Now that I’ve returned the X-T1 and have the X-E2 again (primarily to review the new XF 56mm F/1.2 lens), I can really appreciate the size as well as the ergonomic feel of this retro-rangefinder (yes, I know it’s not really a rangefinder). Unlike the X-T1, I can change settings quickly and easily (by feel) without removing my eye from the EVF. With the latest firmware update V2.0, the EVF refresh rate of the X-E2 now matches that of the X-T1 (albeit a smaller view). Looking through the EVF with the previous firmware was pretty good, but now it’s even better with a faster refresh rate (I can even notice the difference in brighter lighting). I’m also happy that I can now change the colour of the focus peaking (low blue is best) since I enjoy manually focusing while shooting on the street.”


– First impressions at rileyjoseph: “For photographers with only a X100/s this could be a 3 focal length system for them. 28/35/50 FOV.. on a camera with a f/2 aperture, great high ISO capabilities and a silent leaf shutter. So.. in my opinion if you already have a Fuji x-series interchangeable camera there is no better 50mm FOV lens than the XF 35mm 1.4 R.. it is my favorite lens. I would buy that before buying the TCL-X100. For those with just a X100/s and are longing for more reach.. like for portraiture.. your wish has come true.”

GM told me: “I could ordered mine last 24/04 from fujifilm online shop (IT) when they had published it as being in stock (by mistake, I was then told last week when they contacted me with the bad news, saying they would do the utmost in order to advance delivery as much as possible). I could finally receive it this morning so many thanks to Fujifilm, they managed to fulfil my order sooner than expected! I can confirm pricing (in Italy, at least) of EUR 249,99 + 9,90 (handling & shipping on their site). The item is actually in stock again on their site. Believe this should be quite the same for other countries, hope this can be useful to FR readers.”

DigitalRev has the TCL-X100 in stock here. They sell it for $339 / €294. You can pre-order it for $349 at BHphoto here.

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