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Kaizen costs growing: FW-updates (bringing new functions) will focus on newer cameras. No electronic shutter for X-E2?


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THE RUMOR (new source)

The Kaizen philosophy is something that distinguishes Fujifilm from other companies. And I feel pretty save to say, that it will remain so in future. In fact, the next big FW-updates for the X-E2 and especially the X-T1 are just around the corner.

However, a new source just told me that, since there are now many more X-series cameras on the market than in the past, Fuji can’t afford the growing costs of firmware updates (that will bring new functions) for all these X-cameras anymore.

The costs to continuously implement new features to all X-series cameras would be simply exorbitant.

The source also told us that, according to the latest plans, the Fujifilm X-E2 won’t get the electronic shutter. But it confirms that it will get the remote control & a few minor things. Fuji is also aware of the complaints about too aggressive NR at high ISO in JPEG’s for the X-T1 and X-E2 (NOTE: the fact that they are aware of it, doesn’t necessarily mean that they will improve that via firmware).


With the X100T/X30, Fuji introduced so many firmware based improvements, that I’d really like to have them also on my X-E2. I’m sure many of you would like some of those features too: Electronic Shutter, Full Manual Video Control, spot metering frame coupling, Classic Chrome film simulation, fully configurable Quick menu, improved JPEG engine, wireless remote control (that should come for the X-E2) and Instax printing, interval shooting for time-lapse photography and more…

Sure, we can’t pretend Fujifilm to update all their X-cameras with these (and more) features. But what if we’d pay for them? So here is today’s poll: would you pay for a firmware update that gives you new, long-awaited features on your “older” X-series camera?

Feel free to tell us your most desired firmware features for you X-series camera in the comments and vote if/how much you’d be ready to pay for it.

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