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EXCLUSIVE: Fujifilm Working on Fujinon XF 70-300mm X Mount Lens

Fujinon XF 70-300

Hey guys… I have something to tell you ;).

Do you remember, when Fujifilm launched a public survey about future lenses? Well, among all the options there was an XF80-300 lens.

Well, I have an update for you.

According to our sources, Fujifilm is working on a Fujinon XF 70-300mm lens (not XF 80-300, as the official Fujifilm survey showed).

In Full Frame, the Fujinon XF 70-300mm will be about a 100-460mm lens, so you can compare it something like the Sigma 100-400mm.

Makes sense to me: it’s the logical follow up the XF16-80mm f/4.

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Fujifilm Camera Remote 4.5.0 Released with Fujifilm X-T4 Support, Bug Fixes and Improvements

Fujifilm camera remote 4.5.0 has just been released for iOS and Android.

What’s new:

  • Now it supports X-T4.
  • Bug Fixes and performance improvements.
    *Above feature varies depending on the camera you use.

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Fujifilm Russia says Fuji X-T4 Shipping is Delayed to May and Might see Price Change

Fujifilm Russia has published a statement on their facebook page, that the shipping of Fujifilm X-T4 cameras is delayed from April to May, 2020. Also, there might be a retail price change.

Important information about FUJIFILM X-T4

The official start of sales of the FUJIFILM X-T4 camera is postponed to a later date, from April 2020 to May 2020.

Due to the sharply increased volatility in the foreign exchange market, by the time the FUJIFILM X-T4 camera starts selling, it is possible to revise the previously announced recommended retail prices.

This is definitely unfortunate for our fellow Russian Fujifilm X shooters, and we hope we won’t see the same delay or price changes in any other country.

So far, neither Fujifilm Japan, North America or Europe have announced anything similar. Most of their press releases still show “April” as shipping start.

But surely, even if the Fujifilm X-T4 starts shipping in April, it will be available only in very limited numbers.

I pre-ordered a Fujifilm X-T4 myself, and I hope I get it in time for June, when I have to photograph my friends’s wedding.

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These Guys Left Full Frame Sony, Canon and Nikon for Fujifilm APS-C

Switch to X

Here is a roundup about photographers, who are switching from full frame Sony, Canon and Nikon to Fujifilm X.

Mostly they say that the difference in image quality compared to full frame is negligible. But the difference in ergonomics, functionality, menu system, look, size, beautiful lenses, color science etc is much more significant. These aspects make the real difference and worth it to go with Fujifilm APS-C.

At the end, the most important thing is getting into a system that makes you want to shoot more, and Fujifilm is, for some, the best choice for that. As one of the them said:

There is something about Fujifilm, where they want you to get the most for what you pay for.

And to be clear: if you shoot any other brand, and are happy with it, then you did everything right, and you should not care about what the people below say. You have your needs, and you are right to ignore Fujifilm.

But here we are on a Fujifilm blog, so we talk about people, who shoot Fujifilm.

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DPReview Entry Level Shootout: Fujifilm X-T200 vs Sony A6100 vs Canon EOS M50

DPReviewTV compares the Fujifilm X-T200 with the Sony A6100 and the Canon EOS M50.

Here are their findings:


  1. EOS M50: nice quality camera. Best grip. Wonderful touch screen interface
  2. X-T200: beautiful. Very customizable. Feels cheap holding in the hands. No AF-ON button. Handles well, grip improved
  3. A6100: same old design


  1. X-T200: similar EVF like Canon. 16:9 aspect ration LCD
  2. EOS M50: best EVF. Fully articulating screen
  3. A6100: too low res viewfinder. Fully articulating screen would have been better

Image Quality

  1. X-T200: easy win. modern sensor. Very good ISO performance. Great Fujifilm JPEG. Fastest sensor scan rate
  2. A6100: better high ISO than Canon. Rolling shutter issue
  3. EOS M50: oldest sensor. 24MP. Slow scan rate


  1. A6100: easy win. Sony’s eye and face AF is fantastic. Great tracking. Intuitive to use. Highest hit rate. You get the same advanced AF as their Pro bodies
  2. EOS M50: dual pixel AF. Great touch screen interface. Sticky tracking
  3. X-T200: much better than X-T100. But other cameras have a bit better interface. X-T200 has very short buffer


  1. X-T200: 16:9 flippy screen. You can monitor audio via USB-C adapter. Beautiful 4K and nice slow motion
  2. A6100: best AF, usable 4K. Pretty severe rolling shutter. Screen tilt upwards. If you use microphone on hot shoe, it blocks the screen
  3. EOS M50: 4K has huge crop and no longer dual pixel AF


  1. X-T200: Fujifilm continues to dominate in having the best and most lenses available. No big third party support, though. But probably there is not really the need for it. It’s hard for third party manufacturers to come and compete with a company, who makes very affordable zooms, affordable primes like the XC 35mm f/2, kit lenses are often better then some of the Pro lenses other manufacturers make. Lots of Pro lenses, too
  2. EOS M50: opposite of Sony. No higher end lenses. You need an adapter and adapt EF lenses. Not much third party support. Canon has affordable good quality lenses for users starting out. The kit lens is way better than the Sony kit lens
  3. Sony: lots of third party support. Excellent and expensive E mount lenses. But this is an entry level camera, and needs affordable lenses. Sony lacks of such lenses


  1. X-T200: well deserved win. Great AF, excellent video, sexy body, very customizable, lenses, etc. It fixes all the issues they had with the X-T100
  2. EOS M50: affordable, capable, versatile
  3. A6100: lack of lenses. Not sexy cameras. Autofocus is great

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Tokina to Launch Three Fujifilm X Mount Lenses in 2020

Tokina has just announced three Fujifilm X Mount lenses coming for Fujifilm X.

  • Tokina atx-m 23mm f/1.4
  • Tokina atx-m 33mm f/1.4
  • Tokina atx-m 56mm f/1.4

You can see the annoucement page here.

To me, these look like re-branded Viltrox autofocus lenses.

Don’t forget:

Fujifilm X-T2 Firmware 4.32 Released

Fujifilm X-T2

The Fujifilm X-T2 firmware 4.32 has just been released.

The firmware update Ver.4.32 from Ver.4.31 incorporates the following issue:

  1. The phenomenon is fixed that in rare case, a freeze could occur with the firmware version 4.31.

You can access and download the new firmware here.

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Fujifilm Manager: “The Fujifilm X-T4 is Bashing the Door Down Hard on Sony A7III users”, X-H2 and More

Kevin Mullins and Neale James published episode 55 of the Fujicast. Once again, they host Fujifilm manager Andreas Georghiades.

Of course the main course of the meal is the Fujifilm X-T4, but they cover much more in a 1:23 hour podcast.

Here on FujiRumors we will highlight only what the Fujifilm manager said in regard to the Fujifilm X-T4. You can read it down below (in the podcast starts at min. 1:06:31)

Question: How many more cameras will Fujifilm launch this year?

  • If Fujifilm Japan will release more cameras this year, the marketing team will resign. Fujifilm marketing UK had the busiest 6 months he can remember. X-Pro3, X-Summit, House of Photography, X-T200, a few lenses, X100V, X-T4…

Question: What does the Fujifilm X-T4 bring, for those who might have been waiting for Fujifilm X-H2, that perhaps the X-H2 doesn’t bring

  • No comment on future no existent products
  • The X-T4 ticks all boxes people required when X-T3 was launched (IBIS, selfie screen, bigger battery)

Question: Sony is a strong among wedding photographers. Is the X-T4 a statement “look, there is Fuji now!”

  • He won’t dis on Sony, the manager used to work for Sony
  • Sony is a great electronic company
  • But for him Sony feels a bit soulless
  • on paper the specs add up, but they do not seem a well rounded package overall
  • The X-T4 is bashing the door down hard on Sony A7III users: the autofocus performance, the fast and quiet mechanical shutter, the 6.5 stops, it is the complete solution for everybody shooting stills and video
  • feedback from photographers and journalists is really positive so far

Question: When will the Fujifilm X-H2 come?

  • ……… silence ………

X-T4: BHphoto / AmazonUS / Adorama / FocusCamera

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RUMOR: Fujifilm X-E line Canceled, Game Over for Fujifilm X-E4

I have received word from our sources (thanks), that Fujifilm will drop the Fujifilm X-E line.

As you know, I am huge Fujifilm X-E line fan. I love its compactness, I love its performance, I love its form factor and its simplicity.

So this rumor hits me very strong.

However, the X-E line was always on the fence to be canceled, as sales were always low.

In fact, already after the Fujifilm X-E2s failure, Fujifilm considered dropping the line altogether. Which is why back in 2016 I wrote straight out of my heart a “love letter to the unborn X-E3“, followed by almost 200 comments of you guys, supporting me.

My hope was that the love letter (and you feedback) would help Fujifilm to continue to believe in this line, and it seems it worked, as Fujifilm managers said half a year later, they are “aware of the many X-E3 requests.”

So we got it, the Fujifilm X-E3 came, and of course I bought it, along with the XF27mm f/2.8, the perfect lens for this camera.

But here we are again. And this time it looks really like the dead-end street for the Fujifilm X-E line.

Maybe many of you will agree with Fuji’s decision. Maybe you will think Fujifilm has to simplify and streamline its line-up. And maybe it “rationally” makes sense to drop the X-E line.

But as a huge X-E line lover myself, I can’t look at this rumor rationally, and I am just disappointed about it.

Let us know in the survey below, if you think it makes sense to drop the X-E line. Who knows if we can change Fuji’s mind again.

NOTE: the Fujifilm X-E3 is already discontinued, but as of now you can still find it in stock.

And the X-H line?

Is the X-H line also dead?

Well, as FujiRumors always told you, at no point in time, Fujifilm was considering to drop the X-H line. Those rumors were always fake, as the Fujifilm X-H2 was always on the roadmap, and now Fujifilm confirmed it themselves for the second time.

Should Fujifilm Drop the X-E line?

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Fujifilm X-T4 SmallRig Cage Pre-Order Available

SmallRig already offers various cages for Fujifilm cameras, for example:

Now Smallrig extended its offer by launching their Fujifilm X-T4 cage, and you can pre-order it at their website here.

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