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Size Comparison: Fujifilm GFX100S vs Canon R5 vs Sony A7IV vs Nikon Z5 vs GFX50R vs GFX50S vs GFX100 vs X-T4

Here is a quick size comparison I made between the upcoming Fujifilm GFX100S and the GFX50R, Sony A7rIV and the Canon R5.

For a sensor 70% fuller than full frame, the camera looks pretty damn compact if you ask me, considering that it has IBIS.

Well, fellow FR-readers, my wife is having some contractions right now, so whenever she gives me the signal, I will grab the car and drive her to the hospital. I might be offline for a little bit, but if anyone of you wants to make more size comparisons, feel free to share it in the comments down below for the community.

In fact, FR-reader Steven already made one for us, by overlaying the Fujifilm GFX100S to the Fujifilm GFX50S and Fujifilm GFX group member Bipin overlayed the GFX100S to the original Fujifilm GFX100 and the Fujifilm GFX50R.

You guys are the best!!!

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More Size Comparisons

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LEAKED Fujifilm GFX100S Images (and GFX100S / X-E4 Accessories)

Here are the first leaked images of the Fujifilm GFX100S. Also some accessories leaked.

It will be announced during the Fujifilm X Summit on January 27 at 8 AM New York time.

The event will be live-streamed here on FujiRumors and there will be also a live blogging covering all the reviews about Fuji’s latest gear.

The images of the Fujinon GF80mmF1.7, XF70-300mmF4-5.6 and XF27mmF2.8 MKII leaked already here.

You can find the price of the Fujifilm GFX100S here and the price of the Fujinon GF80mmF1.7 here.

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via nokishita

CONFIRMED: Fujifilm GFX100S, XF27mmF2.8 MKII, GF80mmF1.7 and XF70-300mmF4-5.6 Coming January 27

Stores and press are now getting ready for the launch of the new Fujifilm gear on January 27 at 8AM New York time, and as nokishita just said here:

The titles “Fujifilm has announced the GFX 100S and GF80mm F1.7” and “Fujifilm has announced the X-E4, XF70-300mm and the new XF27mm” have been added to overseas news sites

That’s exactly the list of gear to be announced, that we told you in the last weeks and months. If you want to read more details (including the price of the GFX gear), check out the links below.

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FUJIFILM X SUMMIT Announced for JANUARY 27 at 8 AM New York Time (GFX100S, X-E4 and Much More)

FujiRumors told you back in December that Fujifilm would have a major announcement on January 27 (and not January 29), and now it’s confirmed by Fujifilm ;).

There will be a Fujifilm X Summit on January 27 at:

  • 8 AM New York Time
  • 2 PM Rome Time
  • 10 PM Tokyo Time

If it wasn’t for FujiRumors, you’d be totally in the dark about what will be announced. But thanks to exclusive FujiRumors leaks over the last few months (thanks a TON for the help of our sources), we know that Fujifilm will announce:

This is the most updated list I have so far. But if there will be changes, I will let you know on FujiRumors.

If you enjoyed months of breaking rumors and leaks, then feel free join us and celebrate the big announcement party here on FujiRumors, where we will live stream the event and cover the announcement.

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Fujifilm GFX100S No Vertical Battery Grip Option

According to information we have received, the Fujifilm GFX100S will have no vertical battery grip option.

Now, battery life on Fujifilm GFX cameras is not bad at all thanks to the big Fujifilm NP-T125 battery. So I don’t see an issue in terms of battery life here.

However, it might be an issue for those who want a vertical grip for better ergonomics when shooting in portrait mode.

So, let’s update our rumored specs list:

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Fujifilm GFX100S Explained: Fixed EVF, Only One Top Dial (PSAM), No D-Pad, Top LCD, No Humpback and More

Ok guys, let’s narrow the range of our imagination, and describe a bit closer the Fujifilm GFX100S.

According to our information, you can imagine Fujifilm GFX100S like this:

  • no GFX50S humpback (if you don’t know what I mean, check out this image)
  • Top plate has only one dial on the top left side: a PSAM dial
  • no D-Pad
  • has joystick
  • Top LCD
  • Fixed viewfinder (not removable like on GFX100S and GFX50S, where it also can tilt thanks to the EVF tilt adapter)

Let’s add the information we already shared:

So, the Fujifilm GFX100S will be the first GFX camera with a PSAM dial.

And I get it: the almost totality of the market wants a PSAM dial. And if Fujifilm wants to attack the high end full frame market, then they simply have no other choice than to offer a GFX camera with PSAM dial. It will help the GFX system to get more popular.

And you know what?

Sure, I still would have preferred retro dials, but a PSAM dial is still better than the solution the GFX100 adopted, which was the first and only Fujifilm I ever used, that I struggled to operate out of the box.

So, mixed feelings here. But overall I prefer a PSAM dial over the solution adopted on the original GFX100.

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BREAKING: Fujifilm GFX100S with 3-Way Tilt Screen (and NOT a Fully Articulating Screen)

I don’t why, but this morning my inbox was bombarded by people asking me the same question: will the Fujifilm GFX100S really have a fully articulating screen?

So let me adress this now: No, it won’t!

The Fujifilm GFX100S will have a 3-way tilt screen like the one on the Fujifilm X-T3.

Some Vloggers will still complaint in their first looks on January 27 that they can’t shoot medium format handheld selfie videos, but I guess most of the other medium format shooters will be just fine with this solution ;).

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BREAKING: Fujifilm GFX100S, GF80mmF1.7, X-E4, XF27mmF2.8II, XF70-300mmF4-5.6, New Film Simulation Coming JANUARY 27

Yes, I know. A mysterious FF200003 camera registrations has been spotted and is said to be announced on January 29.

But trust me, nothing will happen on January 29.

What you want to do, is to tune in on January 27, because that’s when Fujifilm will have a huge announcement day.

And don’t expect “just” one camera, the FF200003 to be announced.

In fact, I hear we could get all this on that single day:

I will continue to check the list, and I will let you know in case there is something to add or remove to it. Until then, take that as the “official” FujiRumors announcement list.

Anyone out there, who had a new years resolution to resist better to GAS in 2021? Well, on January 27 you’ll be seriously tested :D.

As always, if you liked months of breaking and exclusive rumors, then feel free to join us here on FujiRumors on January 27 for an epic live blogging.

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BREAKING: Fujifilm GFX100S will be a Bit Smaller than Fujifilm GFX50S

We told you back in early December, that the upcoming Fujifilm GFX100S will be “about as big” as the Fujifilm GFX50S.

Well, according to information I have received from trusted sources, the Fujifilm GFX100S will be actually “a bit smaller” than the Fujifilm GFX50S!

So let’s sum it up:

Just back in 2019, IBIS was the single most important reason why Fujifilm had to make the Fujifilm GFX100 so big. Now Fujifilm was able to minaturzie the mechanism to a point, that they can fit it into a much smaller body.

That thing looks better and better, the more we find out about it!

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Fujifilm GFX100S to Cost $5,999: The Ultimate Fujifilm Attack on High Resolution Full Frame Cameras!

We already leaked the price of the Fujifilm GFX100S, which will be of $5,999.

That’s cheaper than the Fujifilm GFX50S at launch, which was sold for $6,500 (now the new list price is of $5,499, so just $500 cheaper than what the Fujifilm GFX100S will be).

And keep it mind: the Fujifilm GFX100S has not only IBIS, but also a highly modern state of the art BSI 100 megapixel sensor with phase detection pixels all over the sensor, whereas the Fujifilm GFX50S uses an older contrast detect AF only and non BSI sensor.

It’s a crazy good price if you ask me. And the goal seems to be pretty clear to me: threaten all those high resolution full frame cameras.

Let’s take a look:

  • Fujifilm GFX100S: 102MP – $5999 – 70% “fuller” sensor than full frame
  • Canon EOS R5:      45 MP  – $3899 – Full Frame
  • Panasonic S1R:     47 MP   – $3697 – Full Frame
  • Sony A7RIV:           61 MP  – $3498 – Full Frame
  • Nikon Z7 II:            45 MP  – $2996 – Full Frame

Sure, the high resolution full frame cameras will still be between 35% and 50% cheaper than the Fujifilm GFX100S.

But consider that the Fujifilm GFX100S has also about twice the megapixel of those full frame cameras as well as a 70% larger sensor.

Considering the whole package, I think that it’s a terrific price.

While the 10K price tag as well as the size of the very popular Fujifilm GFX100 were still a deterrent for many to buy into the GFX system, I think that Fujifilm now nailed it by making a smaller Fujifilm GFX100 and also make it 40% cheaper!

Now we are at a point, where those looking for high resolution cameras and until now were considering the various full frame offerings might as well consider to get the Fujifilm GFX100S, which will offer twice the megapixel and a 70% larger sensor.

I don’t know you, but my impression is that Fujifilm is about to drop a potential best seller here.

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