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DPRTV 2020 Camera Companies Resolutions: Fujifilm Should Merge X-T and X-H Line and Sony Steal Fujifilm Colors

2020 Camera Resolutions

DPReviewTV has published their 2020 resolutions for every camera company, of course including Fujifilm.

Regarding Fujifilm, they say:

When asked if Fujifilm should merge X-T and X-H line, most of you guys voted you prefer to keep both lines well separated, and I believe that would make sense, for the reasons I explained in this article.

What I believe would make sense, though, is to give us a Fujifilm X-T4 with IBIS and maybe a bigger battery. Do that, and you’ll make tons of Fujifilm shooters happy.

I am not sure about the Fujifilm X-A7 flippy screen, though, as this would make it tilt in the wrong direction, when shooting portraits. Maybe that’s more something for the Fujifilm X-H2.

Neopan 400 is a much loved film, as you can see from these customer reviews. So make it happen, Fuji!

As recently measured, Fujifilm has currenty the worse face/eye AF. But I would not worry about that too much. A major improvement is coming via firmware, soon.

You can see the full video above, where, among the others, the recommend Sony to steal Fujifilm colors ;).

Don’t forget also…

New Viltrox 33mm f/1.4 and 56mm f/1.4 Images


Recently Viltrox disclosed the official price in Chinese Yuan of the Viltrox 33mm f/1.4… and it’s a very aggressive one!

Now we have new images of the Viltrox 33mmm f/1.4 and Viltrox 56mm f/1.4 mounted on the Fujifilm X-T3. You can see them below.

The lenses were originally scheduled for release in 2019, but as we reported here, there will be a delay surely for the 33 and 56. The only lens that could still make it for 2019, is the Viltrox 23mm f/1.4, but there is a big “maybe” here.

The latest specs and images about all three upcoming Viltrox lenses can be found in this article.

And don’t forget to:

Top Fujifilm Product 2019 – VOTE NOW

Top Fujifilm Gear 2019

Another Fujifilm year is ending.

With 4 cameras and 4 lenses released in 2019, Fujifilm has a little bit slowed down, if we compare it to the Fujifilm year 2018 (7 new cameras and 6 lenses) and to the Fuji year 2017 (4 cameras and 8 lenses).

But it was definitely quality over quantity.

And then there were these lenses:

Now it’s your time to vote what you consider the overall top Fujifilm gear launched in 2019. Vote down below.

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Best Gear of 2019 According to Tony Northrup, Philip Bloom and More


DPReviewTV already made their best of 2019 gear list here.

But these days many others make their own lists, too, such as Philip Bloom, Tony Northrup and more.

So I thought it might be nice to make a “best of 2019” roundup.

SPOILER: Fujifilm GFX100 grabs quite some attention, Fujifilm X-T30 wins too, and the Fujifilm X-Pro3 is wtf camera of the year.


Then check it all out down below.

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“Soon the Fujifilm GFX System will Make Full Frame Difficult to Choose” – Fujifilm GFX100 Review

Fujifilm has a clear strategy: do not join the overcrowded mirrorless full frame war, dominate APS-C and MF, and then attack full frame from both sides.

If that will work, only time will tell.

But GxAce seems to be one of those, who thinks this strategy could actually work out well for Fujifilm.

Back in October he published this captivating and controversial video called “Bye bye full frame“, as he believed the X-T3 was one good reason not to go full frame. If you want to see and read his arguing, check out this article.

Now he also reviewed the Fujifilm GFX100, and he says that:

in a few years, when the features and reliability and performance of the GFX100 trickle down to cheaper cost models, it really will make full frame difficult to choose over the alternative

Looking at the fact, that already now 70% of GFX users come from Full Frame, as a Fujifilm manager officially said here, he might not be too far off with his prediciton.

You can see the full review above and read a summary below.

  • it surprised him how similar it was to a Fujifilm X-T3, in the way it performs and handles
  • 10,000 seem much, but it’s priced around a top tier DSLR
  • it’s by far the easiest and most reliable medium format to use
  • images are just ridiculous
  • it’s actually a light camera
  • futuristic and modern looking design, he likes that
  • he’d like that “cyper-punk” design also for the X-T line
  • very good battery life
  • AF is not as good for video as it is for stills. He shoots manual focus in video anyway
  • he used an anamorphic adapter
  • the GFX100 opens up doors to get similar aesthetic look to an Alexa 65 or an Imax camera, for a fraction of the cost
  • he’d live Indie filmmakers to make videos on GFX100 instead of a Red or Blackmagic. You get a look that isn’t possible with those cameras, unless you go up an spend $100,000 for an Arri Alexa
  • this camera is a paradigm shift in photography
  • first MF camera that functions and works just as easily and as conveniently as your tipical mirrorless camera
  • a huge step in terms of bringing medium format to the everyday person
  • in a few years, when the features and reliability and performance of this camera trickles down to cheaper cost models, it really will make full frame difficult to choose over the alternative

Read also:

  • – Fujifilm X vs GFX: Which System is More Future Proof? – POLL
  • – Why Fujifilm GFX Medium Format System is Future Proof and Tony Northrup’s GFX Pessimism is Unjustified
  • – Fujifilm Manager: “70% of GFX Users Came from Full Frame.

The GFX Community

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Dear Fujifilm, it Would be About Time for that New Lens Roadmap!

New Lens Roadmaps?

I feel this is a necessary article, as I get tons of emails lately asking me where the new X and GFX lens roadmaps are.

So I want to adress this today.

Back in September we rumored here, that a new roadmap was about to come.

Just a few days later, top manager Toshihisa Iida confirmed it, by literally saying after being asked when a new roadmap will come:

The roadmap is updated once a year

And given that both, the latest Fujifilm X Mount Roadmap and Fujifilm G Mount Roadmap have been updated in 2018, this means we should see one in 2019.

Actually, after letting us vote on the official Fujifilm lens options poll he even said during the first Fujifilm X summit in February:

after seeing the results, maybe next week, you will see a new lens roadmap

But 2019 is ending, and personally I have a hard time to believe Fujifilm will update the roadmap at the end of December, right during the biggest holiday season in many parts of the world.

Sure, I hope they will, but chances are that this time Fujifilm will wait longer than usual.

What we can surely say, is that back in September 2019, Fujifilm did plan to release a new roadmap this year (as the manager confirmed it), but for some reason they might have postponed it.

Sadly I can’t give you more answers and details than what is published here in this article. One lens that will surely come next, is this one rumored here.

That’s currently the most exhaustive answer I can give on this topic, to all of those, writing me emails.

Please just follow FujiRumors, as I will publish more details as soon as I can.

Rumors and Discussions

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DPReview TV Best and Worst of 2019: Sony and Fujifilm Battle for Best Camera of 2019 and Kaizen Crown Goes to Canon

DPReview just published their best and worst of 2019.

Here is their ranking:


There was a disagreement here, as just when Chris declared the Sony A7rIV best of 2019, you hear Jordan out of the frame saying “GFX !!!”

  • Sony A7rIV – it can not reach the GFX100 image quality
  • Fujifilm GFX100 – the best image quality they have ever tested, great AF, IBIS, excellent video features
  • Leica Q2

In my opinion, the Fujifilm GFX100 pushed the boundaries in its class (MF) much more than the Sony A7rIV did in its class (FF), and therefore the Fujifilm GFX100 deserves to be called camera of the year.



  1. Tamron 35mm f/1.4
  2. Panasonic 10-25mm f/1.7
  3. Fujifilm XF200mm f/2 [announced in 2018, but they only tested in 2019]


  1. Canon EOS R
  2. Panasonic G9
  3. Olympus EM-1 MK II


  1. Lensbaby Omni
  2. Nikkor Noct – mega expensive


  • Canon SL3
  • Sigma FP – does not have a shutter. For stills you get rolling shutter, banding etc. It’s a great video camera, but not good for stills
  • Panasonic G95

BEST BLOG 2019 ;)

This Photographer Left Fujifilm APS-C for Sony FF and then Switched Back Fujifilm APS-C… Here is Why!

From Sony to Fuji – Why?

Italian photographer Roberto owned Fujifilm X series gear, but at some point followed the siren songs of full frame Sony.

Now, after using Sony for a while, he switched back to Fujifilm.

In his (Italian) video he explains why.

But don’t worry, you are lucky that FujiRumors is a polyglot (I speak 4 languages), so I am going to translate it for you ;).

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