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Fujifilm X-T5 Stock Struggles and New Bundle X-T5 with XF16-50mmF2.8-4.8 to be Launched May 16

The Fujifilm X-T5 has had a very troubled shipping record especially in Asian countries, but also in other countries the situation seems to have gotten worse instead of better.

  • Amazon USA: currently sold only overpriced by third parties
  • BHphoto: out of stock and expected to be in stock again in 7-14 days
  • Adorama: Expected stock in July
  • Moment: backordered
  • Nuzira: only 1 black sample left and a few kits

Same goes for Asian countries, which now start to mark the X-T5 as out of stock again and it is even no longer available for order at some stores, as reported by the Japanese website asobinet.

Now, I don’t know if this is only because Fujifilm struggles to manufacture enough units.

In fact, on May 16 Fujifilm will launch a new Fujifilm X-T5 plus Fujinon XF16-50mmF2.8-4.8 bundle, so maybe a good number of Fujifilm X-T5 units is now being withhold from the market so that it will be ready to ship on May 16 bundled with the new kit lens.

And btw… the image above is not a real BHphoto page, but just a rendering I made. :)

Anyway, the list of gear that Fujifilm has announced but struggles to ship is very long. And the mother of all the struggles definitely goes to the Fujifilm X100VI. But Fujifilm is actively working on increasing its production and I believe that by the summer the situation will be much improved, which would be very bad news for all those who are still trying to sell overpriced second hand X100VI cameras.

Anyway, the Fujifilm X-T5 struggles, lots of other Fujifilm does not ship smoothly either, and yet Fujifilm keeps announcing new gear non stop.

I hope they know what they do and don’t just worsen the delivery struggles by adding more gear to build and ship into an already precarious situation.

Fujifilm GFX100SII Price Leaked !

Today we can share with you the price of the upcoming Fujifilm GFX100SII.

Obviously the price will be lower than the one of the flagship Fujifilm GFX100II.

But the question is how much lower.

And today we can tell you that in US Dollar as well as in Euro.

According to our trusted sources, the Fujifilm GFX100S II will cost $5,000. In Europe it will cost €5,500 .

GF Lenses

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New Fujifilm Customized Metal Hot Shoe Cover

New X100VI Hot Shoe Cover

Here is a little accessory that might intrigue some of you.

There is a new customized Fujifilm Metal Hot Shoe Cover available on Amazon here.

You can find it at Amazon US here.

My Personal Hot Shoe Cover

I personally own this custom Fujifilm hot shoe cover, which is more widely available also in other countries.

You can find it at:

Fujifilm Names Its Most Significant Camera of the Past 25 Years – Do You Agree? – and Vote Your Top Camera

DPReview asked camera manufacturers to pick their most significant piece of gear of the last 25 years.

Here is what the various brands picked:

So the X100 was existential for Fujifilm. But in my opinion also other cameras were just as important, and I have written about Fujifilm’s top 10 most important digital cameras here.

Out of curiosity I have listed my top 10 picks in the survey below and you can vote what according to you was Fuji’s most significant camera. However, I’ll add the Fujifilm X100VI to the survey due to sheer incredible and historic success it is having.

I have also written an article about the top 10 Fujifilm camera flops in case you want to read it.

To read the full article and motivations of the various brands behind their picks, check out the article at dpreview.

NOTE: Some of the option I’ve put in the list might be controversial. But before you start to flame on me, check out in the reasoning behind my choices in this article. After that you can flame :).

Fujifilm's Most Important Digital X/GFX series Camera is...

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FUJIFILM X Webcam (macOS 14 or later)

Detail of the software update

Fujifilm X Webcam Ver.2.2.0 – download here
The software update Ver.2.2.0 incorporates the following issue:

  1. Compatibility with “macOS 14 (Sonoma)” is added
    Note: Please download this installation software to update your application if you use “FUJIFILM X Webcam” with macOS14 or later.


RAW FILE CONVERTER EX 3.0  Ver. – download here
The software update Ver. incorporates the following issue:

  1. Applicable models for the “RAW FILE CONVERTER EX 3.0 powered by SILKYPIX” are added.
    Applicable Model : FUJIFILM X100VI

Fujifilm X100VI In Stock Check

Fujifilm Wins at RedDot and TIPA Awards 2024

Fujifilm wins awards.

I love particularly one category this time: “best Polaroid camera”, won by…. the Polaroid I-2. Must have been very though for Polaroid to win that one!




Fujifilm X-T50 First Image Leaked (Sort Of)

On the Chinese Weibo platform the first image of the Fujifilm X-T30II successor has leaked.

We know since a over a month now that it will be called Fujifilm X-T50, and I guess that, if this image is legit, then this kind of confirms our rumor.

via Weibo 独立摄影师联合会

The Next X Mount Lens 

5th Generation X Gear

5th Generation GFX Gear

Some fo These Fujifilm X/GFX Deals Are Seriously Good

In this new round of Fujifilm X/GFX deals we get rebates on gear that has never been discounted before and other gear at the highest discount ever offered. Full list below.

Special Deal

GF Lenses

XF Lenses

Latest X Gear

Latest GFX Gear

Fujifilm GFX100SII Announcement in Around 6 Weeks

I have received word by an anonymous source (thanks), that the Fujifilm GFX100SII will be announced in “around 6 weeks”.

Let’s do the math: the message has been sent to me on April 8, so 6 weeks later would mean the announcement should happen around May 20.

But since words matter: the source said “around” 6 weeks. So it could happen on May 20, but it could also happen a few days before or after that.

Thanks to the anonymous source for letting me know about it.


  • I am receiving anonymous rumors these days that did not go online (yet):
    – some of the rumors I have received are wrong
    – with other rumors I have conflicting reports and I need a bit of time to verify who is right
    – some rumors are completely new to me and I’d like to take a bit of extra time to try to get them verified. If I won’t be able to verify them in a reasonable time, they will go online anyway, but with the disclaimer to take them with a grain of salt


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It Looks Like Fujifilm Can’t Get Rid of One of Its BEST Cameras (Despite Massive Discount) and Here is Why!

It started as a “Black Friday Only” deal back in November 2023, and it has since then been extended over and over again: the terrific rebate on the Fujifilm GFX100S.

Well, now the Fujifilm GFX100S got yet an other deal extension, and now the offer will run until June 9.

This likely suggests that, despite the significant rebate, Fujifilm can’t still clear the remaining stock at the pace they desire.

The Fujifilm GFX100S is arguably one of the very best cameras Fujifilm has ever launched (and I say this as a guy, who owned lots of Fujifilm cameras, including the Fujifilm GFX100S, which I still own with great joy).

But despite my love for my Fujifilm GFX100S, which GFX camera would I opt for if I were entering the system for the first time today?

Well, I would go for the Fujifilm GFX100II.

I had the luck to go hands-on with the Fujifilm GFX100II shortly after announcement, and there were a couple of things that just convinced me:

  • the excellent build quality
  • the superior autofocus over my GFX100S (includes all subject tacking modes)
  • the EVF is the best one ever put into any digital camera
  • the ergonomics are fantastic
  • Reala Ace is wonderful
  • and more…

You can read my first impressions here:

Now, it is clear that the huge GFX100S deal is intended to bring new users into the GFX system. But I think that those, who are looking to get into the GFX system, will go straight for the GFX100II anyway.

The Fujifilm GFX100II is the flagship model, and it will remain so for a long time, even after the launch of the Fujifilm GFX100SII.

And if people are going to spend that much money on a new system anyway, they might well go just for the most future proof model: the one with the best specs and also most likely to be treated with lots of firmware love for years to come.

So it is understandable that Fujifilm struggles to sell the Fujifilm GFX100S. The only thing I could imagine working, would be an even deeper discount. If Fujifilm would sell if for $3,500, they’d make no money or even a loss out of it, but they could start cashing in on lenses that those new GFX100S shooters would buy.

With all that said: the Fujifilm GFX100S is well worth the discounted price. It’s a fantastic camera and unless you really need the best autofocus, it is still a great pick. And this is also why, as a current GFX100S owner, I have not yet upgraded to the GFX100II. I use it mostly for landscape photography, where autofocus is not really that important.

But if you want a more versatile GFX camera, one that takes great landscape shots, but also has solid eye tracking and deals with moving subjects better than the GFX100S, has better IBIS and many more features overall, the go for the Fujifilm GFX100II.

Fujifilm GFX

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