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Could this be Silhouettes of the New FUJIFILM Roadmap Lenses? :: New Size Comparison XF23mmF2 Vs. XF35mmF2

 photo lens roadmap_zpsl5jtfyjy.jpg

I’ve switched the lens names (35 and 23) to make the 23 look smaller than the 35 – original image here

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The New Roadmap Lenses

Just a few days ago, I reported about the first images of the new lenses Fuji added to their roadmap: the 23mmF2 (scheduled for 2016), the 50mmF2 and the 80mmF2.8 1:1 Macro (both scheduled for 2017). But the images didn’t convince us.

The XF23mmF2 looked bigger than the 35mmF2. Then, corrected for distortion by FR-reader exkeks, the XF23mmF2 was about the same size of the XF35mmF2. That’s pretty compact, but some of us hoped for something even smaller (pancake lens like the X100-lens).

Right after the post, a source contacted me and confirmed that the 23mmF2 will have the same design of the XF35mmF2, but the distorted picture is making the XF23mmF2 look bigger than it really is. I’ll grab the occasion to ask this source, if the size 23F2 Vs 35F2 shown below in this article is more realistic.

The New Size Comparison

thanks to the FR-reader for the link :)

The Swedish store cyberphoto already put the new Fuji Roadmap Lenses on their site. No specs, no price, no details… but just what could be the silhouettes of Fujifilm’s upcoming lenses.

I can’t tell you if these silhouettes are based on internal Fujifilm material that cyberphoto has photoshopped to show only outlines or if these are just randomly made by cyberphoto. But what I know, is that the Swedish store is not new to leaks (do you remember for example the smiling Fuji rep leak?).

Before we analize the images, keep in mind that only the 23mmF2 is close to be announced (rumor here). So the lens design should be final at this stage and maybe the first prototypes already out for testing. The XF50mmF2 and XF80mmF2.8 will come only in 2017. Fuji might have an approximate design now, but nothing 100% final.

In any case, don’t take these silhouettes as the real thing. So finally, after quite a long time, I can say again: take it with a grain of salt ;) .

Now let’s analyze the silhouettes.

Cyberphoto: 23mmF250mmF280mmF2.8

stay tuned,
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Fujifilm X-T2: USA: BHphoto / AmazonUS / Adorama / CANADA: AmazonCA / EUROPE: AmazonDE / Calumentphoto DE / AmazonUK / AmazonITA / AmazonFR / AmazonESP / PCHstore / WexUK / AUSTRALIA: CameraPro

XF23mmF2 R WR
Not X100-lens small, but very compact anyway. And probably also sharp wide open (whereas the X100-lens is rather soft when shooting macro at F2).

 photo 23vs35 2_zpsoxxhdbbm.png

_ _ _

XF80mmF2.8 R OIS 1:1 Macro
The shape is the same of the 80mm Fuji showed in Japan to the Press. One Stop slower than the 90mm, but with OIS, 1:1 Macro and compatible with both, the 1.4x and 2.0x Fujinon Teleconverter
 photo 80vs90 2_zpsshyl4hdp.png_ _ _

XF50mmF2 R WR
In this case, cyberphoto took nothing else then the shape of the XF35mmF2. So definitely not the real thing. And probably, at this stage, it’s too early to have any accurate idea of the XF50mm size and shape
 photo 50vs35 2_zpssljn436q.png

Push READ MORE to see the lens silhouettes screenshots taken from Cyberphoto

** CLICK HERE to Read the Rest of the Article **

Fuji Guy Billy: “For Sports, X-T2 closing gap to DSLRs” :: Fuji X-T2 meets the World… and makes an Awesome Video!

X-T2 Films the World

X-photographer Daniel Malikyar traveled the world with his X-T2 and captures it in HQ. What we get is a short and beautiful video, that not only demonstrates the massively improved image quality compared to X-TransI/II cameras, but also an invitation to travel and meet the beauty out there that is waiting to be captured with our X-series cameras. Check it out on youtube.

miXed links

Fujifilm X-T2: USA: BHphoto / AmazonUS / Adorama / CANADA: AmazonCA / EUROPE: AmazonDE / Calumentphoto DE / AmazonUK / AmazonITA / AmazonFR / AmazonESP / PCHstore / WexUK / AUSTRALIA: CameraPro

The X-T2 is here… and now? X-T2 or X-T1? The answer in Spanish at fuji-xperience (translation) / Lab Samples at imaging-resource / Fuji Announces the New X-T2 and I’ve Been One of the Lucky Testers at christinalauderportraits / Field Test in Spanish at Le Mans at dslr-magazine (translation) /

X-T2 Sport Photography – Fuji Guy Billy

As Fuji’s Vice President, Fuji Guy Greg does not really have much time anymore to make the Fuji Guy videos with Billy. But for the X-T2 launch, we can see them together again. Greg introduces, and Billy goes over the X-T2 features.

And Billy also makes a bold claim regarding the Fuji X-T2 Sport Photography capabilities. I quote:

Our Top Selling camera, the X-T1, really did lot of good things […] but when it came to sports the C-AF wasn’t there yet. […]

When it comes to professional sports photography, the mirrorless cameras will be the future. And we are kind of closing that gap today with the Fujifilm X-T2.

And how should the X-T2 achieve that?

  1. AF-algorithm: The X-T2 will always try to use the fast phase detection to focus. But when it can’t get focus, it quickly switches to contrast detection and as soon as possible jumps right back to phase detection. This algorithm improvement reduces the “wobbling effect “(the images coming in and out of focus when you use the continuous AF features). Moreover, when shooting birds for example, the algorithm is able to ignore the background and track the bird.
  2. AF-C custom settings: For example, you can now tell the camera to keep tracking one subject at least for 1.5 seconds before looking for another focus.
  3. EVF black out time. Especially at 5fps the black out time is that short, that you can easily track your subject and the camera can better focus between each shot.

Interesting note: Fuji Guy Billy says that they improve their cameras not only based on feedback from X-photographers, but they look also at what people say in the internet (I think he ment also you guys :) ) – but that’s not a surprise

Video here.

CHANGED :: BHphoto now expects Fuji X-T2 to be Available in September :: Australian store says late August


I recently told you in this post, that BHphoto and Adorama expected to ship the first Fujifilm X-T2 cameras in the second week of August.

But something changed now: BHphoto expected availability moved to “September”.

So what happened?

As you might or might not know, Fujifilm now sets an “embargo” not only on product announcement, but also on their shipping. So even if stores get the camera earlier, they have to wait for the “shipping-embargo” to end, before they can deliver the goods to their customers.

So maybe BHphoto and Adorama will indeed get a limited number of X-T2 cameras already in August, but they might not be allowed to ship them until September.

FYI, also Australian store CameraPro says they they will get the first X-T2 batch in “Late August“.

Fujifilm X-T2: USA: BHphoto / AmazonUS / Adorama / CANADA: AmazonCA / EUROPE: AmazonDE / Calumentphoto DE / AmazonUK / AmazonITA / AmazonFR / AmazonESP / PCHstore / WexUK / AUSTRALIA: CameraPro


Great FUJIFILM YEAR 2016 Coming! See All Rumors with Reliability-Rating (with 92% Correct Rumors so far)


nice one, Trenton :)

_ _ _

Fujifilm X-T2
USA: BHphoto / AmazonUS / Adorama CANADA: AmazonCA EUROPE: AmazonDE / Calumentphoto DE / AmazonUK / AmazonITA / AmazonFR / AmazonESP / PCHstore / WexUK AUSTRALIA: CameraPro

I tell you… if you thought you had an exciting time in the first half of 2016 (X-Pro2 and X-T2) and this year can’t get better anymore, then just wait and see what will happen next :-)

The second half of 2016 promises to be at least as exciting as the first half. Why? Just check out the rumors below, all ordered according to their reliability.

And yes, that’s how it goes in the rumor world: no time to rest after the X-T2 announcement. Because Fuji keeps up working on new awesome stuff and I’ll give my best to keep you informed, so that you can make better buying decision, give Fujifilm some Feedback on future products they are planing and overall share the excitement of being part of the Fuji X world.

At this point, my deepest gratitude goes to ALL sources. You are reaching a level of accuracy I could have never dreamed of! You Really Rock… Awesome!!!

And now back to the rumors.

High time for the second annual rumor overview. But first some facts:

  • 80 rumors shared in 2016
  • 16 rumors still to be verified
  • 58 correct rumors (+1 one more correct, but not in ranking. Read why at the bottom of this post)
  • 5 wrong rumors (but actually 3 of them were right at the time of sharing. It’s just Fuji that changed plans)
  • 92% correct rumors shared so far in 2016 (and it would be 96%, if Fuji wouldn’t have changed plans on some long term rumors)


* 75% to 99% correct

– FUJIFILM Medium Format Camera “Definitely More Affordable” than Hasselblad X1D (shared June 28, 2016)
– Medium Format Fuji :: To Be Launched along with 3 Lenses! (shared June 24)
– XF23mmF2 to be announced in September + 1 more F2 lens coming (shared 17 May 2016)
– Trusted Japanese Source says: “No Fujifilm X40 on the horizon”. Is the Fuji X30 the last of the line? (shared 26 April 2016)
– Fujifilm Will Launch a Medium Format Camera (shared January 25)


*50% to 74% correct

– Fujifilm will develop a XF 8-16mmF2.8 WR lens! (shared 26 May 2016)
– Fuji X100T Successor still with 23mm lens!
– No X-E3 in 2016 (shared February 2, 2016)
– Fujifilm working on a XF200mm… F2 (!) lens :-) (shared Feb.5 2016)
– Fujifilm Global Shutter Camera coming in 2018 (at the earliest) – (shared Mar 14, 2016)
– Fujifilm currently focusing on development of compact WR lenses instead of XF33mmF1.0! (shared 7 April 2016)
– Medium Format Fuji :: “50MP Sensor & Available 2017!” (shared March 2, 2016)
– Fujifilm X-T1 will get one more (and final?) Kaizen Firmware Update This Year! (shared 13 Mai 2016)


*25% to 49% correct

– Fuji X100T & Kaizen Love? High Chance of Firmware 2.00 for Fuji X100T (shared February 11)


*1% to 24% correct

– RUMOR :: Super-Fast Fujinon XF 33mmF1.0 to be announced at Photokina
– Fujifilm X200 coming 2nd half 2016, with tilt screen, 28mm lens, 24MP, better EVF refresh rate, maybe touch screen (but not sure) – (shared 12 February 2016)

Push READ MORE for the 2016 Rumor Check

** CLICK HERE to Read the Rest of the Article **

Fuji X-T2 + 4K Video: “There is no Moiré. Sharp and more cinematographic than GH4. I can use it 100% for Video”

Fujifilm X-T2
USA: BHphoto / AmazonUS / Adorama CANADA: AmazonCA EUROPE: AmazonDE / Calumentphoto DE / AmazonUK / AmazonITA / AmazonFR / AmazonESP / PCHstore / WexUK AUSTRALIA: CameraPro

X-Trans and Video never were good friends.

Both, the X-TransI and X-TransII sensor had some serious issue with moiré in videos. However, already the X-Pro2 dramatically improved the Video Quality of Fuji Cameras.

But what about the 4K on the Fujifilm X-T2? Videographer Emmanuel Pampuri says:

Picture quality is amazing. […] It’s more cinematographic than the GH4 […] We don’t have the f-log on firmware right now, Fuji is still working on it. […] Picture quality is very sharp. There is no aliasing, no moiré… it’s beautiful. […] I can use it properly 100% for the Video […] Fuji is still developing the firmware. I get a new firmware every two days […] Battery life is not so good if you don’t use it with vertical grip […] It’s still a CMOS sensor, so there is still an issue with the rolling shutter.

via newsshooter

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Fuji X-T2 :: No Internal F-log Recording, but Firmware Update Possible! (source: Fuji Guys) :: X-T2 Buffer Test!

Fuji X-T2 F-log

 photo Fuji X-T2 F-log 2_zpsj80vtdjh.jpg

Fuji X-T2 F-log

You know it: the Fuji X-T2 shoots 4K and there’s also an ‘F-Log’ flat profile.

The less known fact (almost never mentioned in first looks): the Fuji X-T2 can’t record f-log internally, but only through HDMI. This is confirmed by the Fuji Guys in the tweet you can see above.


… there is hope for a Fuji-Kaizen udpate. When FR-reader Nerd Nomads asked the Fuji Guys if internal f-log recording can be intruduced via firmware update, they said “I’m sure it’s possible“.

Ok… the comments are open… and remember, Fuji reads us!

Fujifilm X-T2: USA: BHphoto / AmazonUS / Adorama CANADA: AmazonCA EUROPE: AmazonDE / Calumentphoto DE / AmazonUK / AmazonITA / AmazonFR / AmazonESP / PCHstore / WexUK AUSTRALIA: CameraPro

Fujifilm’s X-T2 Ups the Game at Petapixel Podcast / X-T2 First Impressions in Spanish at fuji-xperience (translation) / X-T2 in Iceland at waleedshah / The 10 Key Differences Between the Fujifilm X-T2 and Sony a6300 at mirrorlessons / Testing the X-T2 at veritymilliganphotography /

X-T2 Continuous Shooting- Buffer Test

Fuji X-T2 Roundup :: Fuji X-T2… why “Taurus”? :: X-T2 First Looks :: Fuji X-T2 Really Right Stuff Plates

Taurus 2

Fujifilm X-T2: USA: BHphoto / AmazonUS / Adorama / CANADA: AmazonCA / EUROPE: AmazonDE / Calumentphoto DE / AmazonUK / AmazonITA / AmazonFR / AmazonESP / PCHstore / WexUK / AUSTRALIA: CameraPro

What’s Taurus?

A weekend curiosity. When I opened the new Fujifilm Catalogue, I noticed that on my Firefox Tab, instead of “X-T2“, the name “Taurus_EN_Cover” appreared. Sounds like some kind of secret code Fuji used for the X-T(aurus)2. But maybe you have better specualtions.

And if you are a future X-T2 owner and haven’t done so far, then download the Catalogue here.

*** UDPATE *** A trusted source dropped me an email saying that Fujifilm started naming it’s prototypes after constellations. So, Fuji, I’m “Aries”… take that name for the Fuji X-E3 (Read also my LOVE LETTER to the Unborn FUJIFILM X-E3)

Mixed Links to First Looks

On Flagships: X-T2 and X-Pro2 at laroquephoto / Is the X-Pro2 for the heart and the X-T2 for the head? at olafphotoblog / Sample Photos at ephotozine / First Look: Fujifilm X-T2 camera review (part 1) bjornmoerman part 1 and part 2 / Review: Fujifilm X-T2 -The X-Series Camera We’ve Been Waiting For! at macleancomms / X-T2 First Look at doncraigphoto / The Fuji X-T2, a new beginning! at sarayathestudio / PRO photographers about the X-T2. Interview at the German Fuji X Forum (translation) / Spanish Hands-On at dslrmagazine (translation) / Australian Fuji introduce the X-T2 on youtube / Review at danbaileyphoto

BXT2 Really Right Stuff X-T2 Plates

The Fuji X-T2 BXT2 Really Right Stuff Plates are now available for pre-order at the Really Right Stuff Website.

Fuji X-T2 – Worth the Upgrade from X-T1? :: VIDEO + POLLS… and a Bit of Love for X-T1 Doesn’t Hurt these Days ;)

Fujifilm X-T2
USA: BHphoto / AmazonUS / Adorama / CANADA: AmazonCA / EUROPE: AmazonDE / Calumentphoto DE / AmazonUK / AmazonITA / AmazonFR / AmazonESP / PCHstore / WexUK / AUSTRALIA: CameraPro

Upgrade from Fuji X-T1 to Fuji X-T2

I somehow have the feeling, that Ted Vieira is not the only X-shooter out there at the moment, who struggles with this question: is the Fujifilm X-T2 worth the upgrade from the Fuji X-T1?

Well, actually Ted has no hesitations, since he says he would switch “in a heartbeat“. But he has also a few words of love for the X-T1 at the end (well done Ted… a bit of Love for the X-T1 doesn’t hurt these days).

And what about you? Worth the Upgrade? Here is the Poll

Is it worth to upgrade from the Fuji X-T1 to the Fuji X-T2?

View Results

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X-T2 or X-Pro2

Upgrade from Fuji X-T1

X-T2 or X-Pro2 – VOTE

And another hot questions is: Fuji X-T2 or Fuji X-Pro2? Current Survey at the Fuji X Forum.

A month ago, I’ve launched a “Super-Poll” here, where I asked you which camera do you prefer for the different photography genres. Several thousands of X-shooters have dropped their vote, and it turns out that in most cases X-shooter prefer the X-T2.

However, the X-Pro2 shines in 3 photography styles: Street, Documentary and Travel Photography.

The Poll results show that the two cameras don’t really compete with each other. The X-Pro2 and its rangefinder style with HVF corner placement perfectly harmonizes with the small Fuji primes, making it a ideal package for documentray photography & Co. But if you are looking for the better allrounder, than I’d recommend you to grab the Fuji X-T2.

That said… you know what you mainly shoot, you know your needs. And you have the answer!

And all the Rest

Ok… I did my homework and made one of the hardest Live Bloggings ever. With about 40 links to first looks and videos, I’ve tried to cover the event as good as I could.

But the coverage continues on our forum: Fujifilm X-T2 Reviews Here. Feel free to drop your findings over there and check out what others have spotted.

The Forum now also has a dedicated X-T2 section.

There is also a dedicated Fuji X-T2 facebook Group.

Fujifilm X-T2
USA: BHphoto / AmazonUS / Adorama / CANADA: AmazonCA / EUROPE: AmazonDE / Calumentphoto DE / AmazonUK / AmazonITA / AmazonFR / AmazonESP / PCHstore / WexUK / AUSTRALIA: CameraPro

See the FIRST IMAGES of the Fujifilm XF 23mmF2, XF 50mmF2 and XF 80mmF2.8 OIS Lenses!

Distortion Corrected Image (thanks exkeks)

X-T2??? Yep!

Yeah, I know… the X-T2 is awesome!

But we should give proper space also the newly annoucned roadmap… and the first image of the 23mmF2, XF50mmF2 and 80mmMacro, which comes with will be compatible with both teleconverters and have OIS (maybe the huge shitstorm on FujiRumors convinced Fuji to implement OIS into it… We Have The Power :-) ) via

Ok.. these are official images displayed by Fujifilm Japan at a press event, but that 23mm looks too big. On the official Fuji lens Roadmap (shared in the live blogging here), the XF23mmF2 looks definitely smaller.

I guess somebody is salivating right now ;)

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Thanks to those, who decide to support FR :-)

Fujifilm X-T2: USA: BHphoto / AmazonUS / Adorama / CANADA: AmazonCA / EUROPE: AmazonDE / Calumentphoto DE / AmazonUK / AmazonITA / AmazonFR / AmazonESP / PCHstore / WexUK / AUSTRALIA: CameraPro

New NP-W126S Batteries: BHphoto / Adorama /

Vertical Battery Grip: USA: BHphoto / AmazonUS / Adorama / CANADA: AmazonCA / EUROPE: AmazonDE / AmazonUK / AmazonITA / AmazonFR / AmazonESP / PCHstore / WexUK / AUSTRALIA: CameraPro

Metal Hand Grip: USA: BHphoto / Adorama /

EF-X500 Flash: USA: BHphoto / AmazonUS / Adorama / CANADA: AmazonCA / EUROPE: AmazonDE / AmazonUK / AmazonITA / AmazonFR / AmazonESP / PCHstore / WexUK / AUSTRALIA: CameraPro


Fuji X-T2 & More :: 10 Things you Might Have Missed Today (Fuji Guy Billy Video, USB Charging Riddle & More)

Fuji Guys Billy First Look – Youtube

Fujifilm X-T2
USA: BHphoto / AmazonUS / Adorama / CANADA: AmazonCA / EUROPE: AmazonDE / Calumentphoto DE / AmazonUK / AmazonITA / AmazonFR / AmazonESP / PCHstore / WexUK / AUSTRALIA: CameraPro

And suddenly it happened…. the X-T2 became real, and all of a sudden the internet was flooded with First Looks and Information, that I’ve tried to collect in my Live Blogging here, adding a short comment to each first look.

But as much as I blog, the news stream is so big, that it’s easy to miss something, even though I’ve shared it on FujiRumors. So I’ll make a list of things you might have missed (and you can now stop sending me via email ;) ). And I’ll share also some things, that are brand new.

  1. Fuji Guy Billy First Look Video: I’ve shared many videos about the X-T2 in my Live Blogging – still ongoing. Now also the First Look of Fuji Guy Billy is online (video above).
  2. X-Pro2 + KAIZEN: As rumored, Fujifilm announced a new Firmware for the X-Pro2. It will be released in October… but knowing Fuji this means December ;). Anyway, the main course of the meal is the improved AF-speed, which will make it as fast as the X-T2. Press Release here.
  3. NEW ROADMAP + 80mm with OIS: As rumored, Fujifilm launched a New Roadmap and scratched the 120mm. The new roadmap includes three lenses: 23mmF2, 50mmF2 and the 80mmF2.8 Macro OIS…. Did you notice? I said 80mm”OIS“! Now here is the thing: I’m 100% sure that, at the time of sharing the “80mm OIS-less” rumor, this information was correct. But I also told you at the time of the rumor, the design was not final and Fuji could change plan anytime. And I like to think that the massive shitstorm the “OIS-less rumor” caused here on FujiRumors, might have made change plan at the Fuji HQ…. AND: the 80mm will be compatible with both Fuji teleconverters :-)
  4. X-T2 + 3.5mm micorphone jack Inpu on the camera. The grip has headphone jack.
  5. X-T2 + 4K: as rumored, you can shoot 30 minutes in 4K when vertical grip is attached. New Information: The X-T2 captures actually a bit more than 4K, and then sizes it down to TV resolution. Without grip you can shoot 10 minutes 4K. Oh… and it offers F-log profile (but not available in camera – although Fuji said this could be fixed via Firmware update). Shoots 4K with a 1.17x crop.
  6. X-T2 + Adobe: Adobe already supports the X-T2 files since early June! (source – riflessifotografici X-T2 Review)
  7. X-T2 + More Options for Continous AF: You can now customize the Continuous AF, choosing 5 Fuji Presets that are configured for different scenarios or make your own one.
  8. X-T2 + Price Chaos: Big Confusion here. The rumor I’ve shared said it will be cheaper than the X-Pro2. And it’s like this in USA. And in the EU? It costs 1,700 in Germany (see fotomundus24 store). The French site lemondedelaphoto says €1600 in France, but the official France Press Release says €1700. Why? Because of Brexit Fujifilm raised the price in the last second. And speaking of Brexit, the only country, where the X-T2 costs more than the X-Pro2 is UK. So you see why this time I was reluctant to share any precise price? ;)
  9. X-T2 + USB Charging?: Riddle: will the X-T2 (and the Vertical Grip) offer USB-Charging? There is absolutely no mention about it in the official Press Release. So was the rumor wrong? Everything is possible. Or maybe I confused something my sources said. In fact, as shown by Fuji Guy Billy, you can indeed charge the batteries, while they are inside the battery grip, but not via USB. You have to use a 9 volt adapter. So the batteries can be charged without having to be removed from the grip. But I’ll investigate further. UDPATE: It Works. More Here.
  10. Centered Tripod Mount: Some of you asked, now we have the answer: the tripod mount is centered to the lens

Support FR by using the links below to pre-order your gear. A small commission is valued back to Fujirumors, which will allow me to pay the sites’ costs and keep FR running. Most important: Absolutely No extra costs for you :-)

Fujifilm X-T2: USA: BHphoto / AmazonUS / Adorama / CANADA: AmazonCA / EUROPE: AmazonDE / Calumentphoto DE / AmazonUK / AmazonITA / AmazonFR / AmazonESP / PCHstore / WexUK / AUSTRALIA: CameraPro

New NP-W126S Batteries: BHphoto / Adorama /

Vertical Battery Grip: USA: BHphoto / AmazonUS / Adorama / CANADA: AmazonCA / EUROPE: AmazonDE / AmazonUK / AmazonITA / AmazonFR / AmazonESP / PCHstore / WexUK / AUSTRALIA: CameraPro

Metal Hand Grip: USA: BHphoto / Adorama /

EF-X500 Flash: USA: BHphoto / AmazonUS / Adorama / CANADA: AmazonCA / EUROPE: AmazonDE / AmazonUK / AmazonITA / AmazonFR / AmazonESP / PCHstore / WexUK / AUSTRALIA: CameraPro