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Fujifilm X-H2S Bundle Deal, 5DayDeal Mega Saving, The Newest & The Rest

Fujifilm X-H2S

Pre-order the Fujifilm X-H2S within July 6 along with Fujinon MKX lenses and you’ll save up to $2,000.

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The 5DayDeal Video Bundle has just been launched and once again you can save lots of money. Check out what you can get for $98 here.

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Fujifilm X-H2S Autofocus Tracking vs X-T4, for Wildlife and Performance on Older XF Lenses (XF56mmF1.2 Included)

The French channel Les Guides Fujifilm has published a video about the Fujifilm X-H2S autofocus performance under many different scenarios.

It’s a 40 minutes video where he tests:

  • X-H2S vs X-T4 eye/face tracking
  • X-H2S tracking a running dog
  • X-H2S tracking kids (running and on bicycle)
  • X-H2S for Wildlife
  • X-H2S at 40fps and 30fps tracking (dog and kids)
  • how good several Fujinon lenses work on X-H2S
  • low light stills tracking in a circus
  • low light video tracking in a circus

Lots of stuff, right?

You don’t have time right now to watch it all?

Well, for your convenience I’ve made a summary down below and I’ll also give you time stamps so that you can jump to the section that interests you most.

NOTE 1: when he scrolls very quickly through the images you see them unsharp. This happens because his computer is not rendering at full res. When he stops on an image it gets rendered and it becomes sharp.

NOTE 2: I speak four languages, but sadly French is not one of them (although I understand it a bit). In case any French FR-reader notices an error or wants to add something, feel free to let me know in the comments.

Video Summary

** CLICK HERE to Read the Rest of the Article **

UPDATE: IMX671 is NOT the Sensor of Fujifilm X-H2S

Back on May 31, an anonymous source send me the sensor sheet for the a new IMX671 sensor by Sony.

I was skeptical, and considering our approach to be as accurate as possible, I decided not to share it. I also received the one for the Fujifilm X-H2, and also that one, I did not share it.

Sharing probably fake stuff just for clicks is not what we do here on FujiRumors.

But I guess once the anonymous source noticed FujiRumors would not be tricked to publish it, it started sending that file to several websites, who, hungry for clicks, all published it giving it for granted that this is the Fujifilm X-H2S sensor sheet.

At that point, I had to publish it too, but more because I wanted to warn you that I am very skeptical about it.

So I did what FujiRumors does best: I verified!

Well, I can now say with 110% certainty that the IMX671 is NOT the sensor for the Fujifilm X-H2S and also the other sensor sheet I’ve received, which the anonymous contact said it’s for X-H2, is 110% not for X-H2.

In fact, I don’t know if they even exist, or they are just made up. Or they are just sensor for other cameras (maybe Sony, certainly not Fuji).

But what I can tell you for sure, it’s that none of them is for Fujifilm X-H2S or Fujifilm X-H2.

In a future not all too distant I will let you know the IMX definition for both sensors in a way you’ll see with your own eyes that this was just a fake.


In these years I have seen all possible fakes. Websites who claim the X-H line had been axed (but now we got even two of them!!), websites spreading rumors about nonsense lenses like the Fujinon GF56mmF5.6 and much more.

The reason why this happens is simple: they want your attention, your time and your money. And every way to achieve that is legit in their eyes. Yes, they know they fool you, but they don’t care, as long as it brings them profit. The only rumors they get right, are the ones they copy from FujiRumors (without quote of course).

But here on FujiRumors we don’t share fake rumors as we don’t take this kind of shortcut to get your attention and increase traffic.

Our commitment to you: we want to respect your time! And if you honor us with your time, then we want to deserve it by working hard and good, day after day, article after article.

I know that this is the hard way to success, as spreading sensational fake rumors would be a guarantee for traffic (and you can always talk yourself out of it by saying “hey, it’s a rumor, doesn’t have to be accurate”). But that’s not who we are. I just have too much respect for you and your time.

BIRD TRACKING with Fujifilm X-H2S with XF150-600 (in Complex Condition) and EYE AUTOFOCUS on Par with SONY & Co

Bird Tracking

Just yesterday I reported about a video by tb- photography, who in 1 minute was able to give us more clues about the real autofocus performance of the Fujifilm X-H2S then some of the big youtube channels in 20 minutes of talks (and in some cases without showing and samples).

And since smaller youtube channels seem to often stay on the piece better than the big ones, today I’ll share a video of an even smaller youtube channel, in fact so small, that this time even I missed this video, but a fellow FR-reader made it notice to me today.

Passionate bird photographer liewwk Nature runs a 860 subscriber channel with hundred of bird photography videos.

He posted a 5 minute video of birds tracking with the new Fujifilm X-H2S and XF150-600mmF5.6-8.

A lot of it has been taken in tropical forest environment, often in tricky and low to very low light conditions and with a complex and distracting background.

In these objectively difficult conditions, Iiewwk Nature writes:

The new system just weight 2.4KG which allow us to shoot 150-600mm (225-900mm 35mm equivalent) which is one best available

This system allow me have >50% success rate 1/125 at 900mm which is my recommended minimum shutter speed for handheld.

The AF is fast and accurate (on bird eye), it may not best in market but it is very good and accurate even at low-light & complex environment.

For the Auto-focus, I think this is a huge upgrade compare previous X series. The Animal Detection just simple amazing

Keep in mind that this is the success rate mentioned is for shooting at 900mm.

In my eyes it already looks pretty amazing. And considering that this is an early pre-production firmware (on both, camera and lens), I guess it can get only better from this point on until the final firmware is released.

You can find the video down below and his blog post about his experience at liewwkphoto.

Eye Autofocus

The second video below is of Lee Zavitz, who used the Fujifilm X-H2 with the XF18-120mmF4 for a portrait session and he is says that eye AF is crazy and it detects the eye even when the eyes are mostly blocked by her hair.

He says he is really impressed by eye detection and he did not expect it to be that good.

It’s still a beta firmware, but it is on par with competitors in terms of eye autofocus.

Fujifilm X-H2S: Enjoy One Minute of New Autofocus Tracking Glory

Announcement days are exteremely busy and so much content is spilled out all at once.

In fact there is so much out there, that most just watch the videos of the biggest channels and skip out on others.

This means that is easy to miss out on something.

And quite frankly, smaller channels can sometimes kick out better content and coverage than well known and established ones.

Well, today I’d highlight one review that I am not sure how many of you have seen. It comes from tb- photography, who runs an 11K subscribers channel.

It’s all worth a watch, but for the purporse of this article I’d like to focus your attention on the part that shows subject and animal tracking at work (min. 11:16 to 12:16)

For being pre-production, I believe the Fujifilm X-H2S did an astonishing job, especially with Pre-AF turned on.

And again: it’s pre-production, so it can only get better from here on.

Go see by yourself. The video below will start at 11:16 for 1 minute of new AF tracking glory ;).

SmallRig Camera Cage for Fujifilm X-H2S

You can now pre-order the Smallrig camera cages for Fujifilm X-H2S. You have two options:

Smallrig offers cages for many Fujifilm X and GFX cameras. You can see a comprehensive list here.

Alleged Fujifilm X-H2S Sony Sensor IMX671 Now Online Promises Future Great High-Speed Performance

Somebody is right now sending some Sony sensor specs to all possible websites. And of course we received it too.

An APS-C format stacked sensor, dubbed the IMX671-AAPH, appears to be a public version of the sensor used in the X-H2S.
This is a sensor that allows for high speed readout without DRAM, the same architecture as the IMX472 in the Olympus OM-1.
Perhaps Fujifilm can achieve greatness in high-speed photography in the future.

Down below you can see the full file I have received.

Again: I have received this anonymously. I did not plan to publish it but since it is spreading all over the web, I will share it now, even thought it is very likely a fake.

Fujifilm X-H2 HR 40MP will have Exactly Same Body of Fujifilm X-H2S

There is a question I get very often these days via email but also in the comments here on FujiRumors. Does the X-H2 HR have the same body of the X-H2S HS?

Well, in regards to the Fujifilm X-H2 HR body, Fujifilm will do what in my opinion makes most sense (for R&D reasons): they will use exactly the same body of the Fujifilm X-H2S and just put a different sensor inside.

I know some will be disappointed that also the Fujifilm X-H2 will have a PSAM dial, but here are two positive aspects of that:

Ah, speaking of rumors… do not think we are done yet.

In fact, I am working on so many rumor fronts right now. One of them of course being the Fujifilm X-H2 40MP, but the eye of FujiRumors is also watching beyond that already. ;)

Fujifilm X-H2S Introductory Bundle Offer (Save up to $2,000) and Last Day Fujifilm X-T3WW Deal

Fujifilm USA has launched an “Introductory Savings & Combination Offer” on the brand new Fujifilm X-H2S.

Pre-order the Fujifilm X-H2S within July 6 along with Fujinon MKX lenses and you’ll save up to $2,000.

Last Day:

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Because it’s Cool: Fujifilm X-H2S Meets FPV Drone and Delivers Epic New Zealand Mountain Bike Downhill Race

I would like to share this video in a dedicated article, for the simple reason that it is cool :)

It shows a Fujifilm X-H2S mounted on a drone following a crazy mountain biker going downhill on the mountains of New Zealand.

So the videos are two: I recommend to start with the final product (1st video above) and then watch the behind the scenes (video below).

You can also read the story here at fujifilm-x.