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Fujifilm GFX100 II Look Up Table (LUT) Input Device Transform (IDT) for F-Log for F-Log and F-Log 2 Now Available


This LUT file and IDT file is to edit the movie data below when the data is edited by a movie editor on your PC or Mac.

<F-Log 3D-LUT file / F-Log IDT file>
* F-Log movie data recorded with GFX100 II, GFX100S, GFX100, X-E4, X-S10, X-S20, X-T30 II, X-T30, X-T2, X-T3, X-T4, X-T5, X-Pro3, X-H1, X-H2S, X-H2 and X100V
<F-Log2 3D-LUT file / F-Log2 IDT file >
* F-Log2 movie data recorded with GFX100 II, X-H2S, X-H2, X-T5 and X-S20.


F-Log 3D-LUT file / F-Log IDT file / F-Log Data sheet

Last updated: 9.12.2023 [11.8MB]
*Decompress the “” file and launch “.cube” file from a movie editor.
Last updated: 9.12.2023[8.0KB] 
Last updated: 6.16.2022
F-Log_DataSheet_E_Ver.1.1.pdf [192KB]

F-Log2 3D-LUT file / F-Log2 IDT file / F-Log2 Data sheet

Last updated: 9.12.2023 [2.5MB]
*Decompress the “” file and launch “.cube” file from a movie editor.
Last updated: 9.12.2022[8.0KB]
Last updated: 6.16.2022
F-Log2_DataSheet_E_Ver.1.0.pdf [120KB]

The Latest GFX Gear

Fujifilm GFX100 II Explained by Fujifilm Managers and Talking Firmware Updates for X/GFX – CineD Interview

CineD sat down with product planning manager Makoto Oishi-san and product planner Taiji Yoneda-san to talk about the GFX line and what makes the Fujifilm GFX100 II special.

You can and should watch the 24 minutes video above. But if you are in a hurry, I will provide also a quick summary below.

There is also a little section about firmware udpates, where Johnnie from CineD asks for one feature available on X-S20 to come via firmware update to GFX100II, and one available on GFX100II to come to X-H2, X-H2S, X-T5 and X-S20.

In short: if the request from users is strong, Fujifilm might make it happen. So guys, you know what you have to do in the comments now ;).


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How Fujifilm Could Turn the Imminent X Summit into an EPIC PARTY also for Fujifilm X Shooters (Hope, not Rumor)

The Fujifilm X summit starting soon will definitely be a GFX party day.

And look, it’s just fair like this. Look at what Fujifilm gave us in the last 1+ year:

  • X-T5, X-H2, X-H2S, X-S20, XF150-600, XF18-120, XF30mm Macro, XF 56 MKII
  • GFX50SII

So yes, it was high time for a GFX party and looking back X shooter should just accept this happily.

However, there is one thing that Fujifilm could do, rather easily, to turn the next GFX-centric X summit into an epic day also for Fujifilm X shooters.

What is it?

Well, we know that the Fujifilm GFX100 II will come with new features not even available on flagship X series model until now.

We are speaking of:

  • new film simulation REALA
  • touch-to-track in video autofocus
  • waveform monitor
  • anamorphic mode
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Fujifilm launches Mirrorless digital camera “FUJIFILM GFX100 II”

Fujifilm launches Mirrorless digital camera “FUJIFILM GFX100 II”

Press Release

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RUMOR: Fujifilm GFX100 II will NOT Have a File Transmitter Grip and C2C Integration Possible with GFX100II Body Only

Today I’ve learned a lesson.

Which lesson? I will tell you at the bottom.

First you have to know that so far we have spotted three camera registrations in the first half of 2023.

  • FF220002 = Fujifilm X-S20
  • FF230001 = very likely Fujifilm GFX100II
  • FF230002 = yet unknown

And because it takes Fujifilm between 1-4 months usually to release gear after registration, this would mean all three should come within this year.

And here comes the problem.

Given the lack of rumors about the third camera supposed to come in 2023, I told you yesterday here that I believe the registration could be for the vertical file transmitter grip for the GFX100II, but making clear that’s not a rumor, just a speculation of mine.

But after I’ve shared the video trusted sources (thanks!!!) reached out to me and corrected my speculation telling me this:

  • there will not be a file transmitter grip for the GFX100 II
  • Frame-io Camera-to-Cloud (C2C) integration will be possible using the GFX100II body only

Now this is huge news. Consider that the FT-HX File Transmitter Grip for X-H2/S costs $1,000, a staggering $600 more over the regular X-H battery grip.

But what in the X-H world costs you $600 extra to get access to ( C2C), you’ll get it built into the Fujifilm GFX100 II body for this price here.

And you know what that means.

It means that I have to get back at work to try to find out what the FF230002 is ;).

Lesson learned?

I have learned the lesson that I better don’t make any speculations, but just follow blindly the rumor-path my sources share with me.

So I will do just that.

By sharing more big rumors still before the launch of the GFX100II.

Fujifilm X Summit September 12 at 5 AM New York Time
GFX100II Rumors & More

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The Mystery of the Third Registered Fujifilm Camera for 2023 – A Possible Answer! (Speculation, not Rumor)

In 2023 we have so far spotted three Fujifilm registrations, with 2 items still to come

  • FF220002 = Fujifilm X-S20
  • FF230001 = very likely Fujifilm GFX100II
  • FF230002 = yet unknown

We know for sure that one of the yet to be released items will be the Fujifilm GFX100II.

So what could be the second one?

I’ve read all sorts of speculations, from the Fujifilm GFX50R successor, the Fujifilm X-Pro4, Fujifilm X-E5, Fujifilm X-T6, Fujifilm X-T40, Fujifilm X80, Fujifilm X-H3, Fujifilm X-H3S, Fujifilm X100VI or X200 and more.

But those “rumors” appeared also ahead of the X Summit on May 24, and of course none of it materialized.

Here on FujiRumors we avoid to share fakes for traffic and SEO. That’s why all we rumored so far for 2023 were the X-S20 (code name FF220002) and the Fujifilm GFX100II (probably the FF230001).

So yes, there is still one piece of gear, the FF230002, that should come this year. But which camera will it be?

Again, I have absolutely no rumors about other cameras coming in 2023, so an idea came to me:

What if it’s not a camera?

What if it’s something else?

Because keep in mind that these registrations don’t say anything about “cameras”, but about gear that uses some sort of WiFi/Bluetooth frequencies.

So here is the thing.

One of the gear registered in the past was the FF210004, which is not a camera, but the vertical file transmitter grip FT-XH, which unlocks the camera-to-cloud feature on these Fujifilm X-H cameras.

So, with that in mind, and given the lack of rumors for another camera coming in 2023, I see three options:

  1. Fujifilm will launch a new camera with the code name FF230002 in 2023, but FujiRumors simply does not know about it yet
  2. Fujifilm will launch a new camera with the code name FF230002 in 2024
  3. Fujifilm will launch an X-H alike file transmitter grip along with the GFX100II on September 12, and the grip has the code FF230002

Now, I don’t have rumors about any GFX100II file transmitter grip, but I have rumors about the GFX100II having an optional (and not integrated) battery grip, which could make option 3 likely.

Sure, also option 1 and 2 are still open. Especially if on September 12 the GFX100 II will come without any file transmitter grip.

But as we documented here it usually takes Fujifilm not more than 4 months (in two cases only it took them 6 months) to launch a camera after the registration has been spotted. And since the FF230002 registration appeared back in June here, the likelihood of a 2023 launch is very high.

And sure, there can always be a surprise camera. Maybe scheduled for launch later this year, maybe in November (X-T5 was launched in November too). I am just a rumor site and don’t claim to always know everything that will happen in the Fujifilm world. But maybe you remember the famous Fujifilm camera roadmap shared by Fuji Spain, in which they displayed two “disruptive” cameras coming for 2023. Well, if that roadmap was accurate, then the X-S20 and GFX100II would be those cameras and we can’t expect anything else coming this year.

But if that was the case, if nothing else would not come in 2023, then don’t worry, because as we already told you, the start into 2024 will be bombastic ;).

Surprise? Fujifilm GFX100 II Sensor Could be Even Faster than we Thought (Anonymous Source)

So guys.

I can confirm it.

The Fujifilm GFX100 II will come with a new 100 megapixel sensor.

Now, in our previous rumors we told you it would be based on the sensor architecture of the Sony A6700/FX30 sensor. Hence a BSI sensor that is faster to read out than previous generation of BSI sensor (in use on X-T4, X-S20, GFX100S, GFX100 etc).

But now an anonymous source reached out to us and told us that the Fujifilm GFX100 II will use a different design compared to the A6700/FX30 sensor.

The source said that while the A6700/FX30 offers a 10-20% speed increase over the conventional BSI sensor, this new sensor in use on the GFX100 II will offer up to 50% increase in readout speed.

And just to be clear, we are not talking about a stacked sensor, but an improved BSI sensor, hence this also fits with the rumor we shared earlier.

Now, this information comes from an anonymous sources, so it has to be taken with a grain of salt.

In any case we can be sure that it is indeed a new sensor and we can expect overall speed improvements on the Fujifilm GFX100 II.

Then, how much faster it is to read out, we will find out on September 12.

Fujifilm X Summit September 12 at 5 AM New York Time
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Fujifilm GFX100 II Coming with Waveforms Monitor and Anamorphic Mode

For the first time ever (and to big joy of Jordan Drake I guess), Fujifilm will offer

  • waveforms monitor
  • anamorphic mode

This much loved videographer features will come to the Fujifilm GFX100 II.

And of course we hope that Fujifilm will also treat current 5th generation gear shooters (X-T5, X-H2, X-H2S, X-S20) with firmware updates that will bring those features also to those cameras.

Fujifilm X Summit September 12 at 5 AM New York Time
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Fujifilm GFX100II with 3-Way Tilt Screen

When we shared the rumor that the Fujifilm GFX100II would accept the cooling fan (which we confirm), I noticed people saying in the comments that this obviously means the GFX100II will have a fully articulating screen, just like every other cameras that is currently compatible with that fan.

But sometimes, what we think is so obvious, is wrong anyway ;).

Because we have been told the Fujifilm GFX100II will have a 3 way tilt screen.

Cameras Compatible with the Cooling Fan

Fujifilm X Summit September 12 at 5 AM New York Time
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Fujifilm to Launch New Film Simulation on September 12

Usually it goes like this.

Fujifilm launches a new sensor/processor platform and gives us a new film simulation along with it.

But that did not happen with the launch of the Fujifilm X-H2S back in May 2022, and also not with all the other 5th generation gear that followed (X-H2, X-T5, X-S20).

That sucked, and I started moaning about it after the last X summit in May 2023.

But things are finally going to change on September 12.

According to our trusted sources, Fujifilm will launch a new film simulation on September 12.

One more thing to look forward to on September 12.

  • click here – How 3 Dollar Saved my Fujifilm X-T5 and Re-Discovering Classic Negative in Vietnam
  • click here – Welcome to the World of VELVIA Film Simulation
  • click here – An Introduction to Fujifilm’s Film Simulation Modes
  • click here – I photographed my first wedding and here are the Film Simulations I loved most
  • click here – Vote Your Favorite Film Simulation!
  • click here – Fujifilm Colors Science: GFX vs X Series, From Superia to Classic Negative, More Film Simulations
  • click here – Fujifilm Managers Talk Film Simulations: Origins, Evolutions, Goals, Misunderstandings, Bold Classic Negative and Much More
  • click here – The Power of Fujifilm Colors: Why I LOVE Fuji Colors and See Them in Action at Our Film Simulations Group
  • click here – Meet Minami-San, Fujifilm’s Color Guru Since 50 Years and Now Bringing Fuji’s Color Science from Film to Digital
  • click here – Fujifilm asks what’s your favorite film simulation (and I tell you mine)
  • click here – Fujifilm Rethink RAW :: JPEG is Your Friend and Fuji’s Film Simulations Rock
  • click here – This Guy Fine Tuned his Fujifilm Film Simulation Settings Inspired by the Work of Great Film Photographers. See “Chrome Eggleston” & More
  • click here – An Ode To ACROS: “A Game Changer, My Favorite Film Simulation by far!” :: And about the Best ACROS (or B&W) Settings!

Fujifilm X Summit September 12 at 5 AM New York Time
GFX100II Rumors & More

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The 3 Biggest Fujifilm X Summit Disappointments