Big Fuji Show: X200 and X-PRO2 to be announced at photokina? (source – mirrorlessrumors)
At BHphoto you can get the X-PRO2 screen protector now and the camera in about 6 months (according to mirrorlessrumors) ;-)
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Big Fuji show at the photokina, at least according to mirrorlessrumors here: They say that Fuji will announce both, the X-PRO2 and X200 (both, according to mirrorlessrumors, with non organic new ASP-C X-Trans sensor) at the photokina (September).
They also say, that the X30 will feature a 1” sensor (while xjrumo said here the sensor will be bigger than 1”) and come earlier (dpr rumored here July 3rd).