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X-PRO2 poll: organic sensor (APS-C), Full Frame or different pixel size (APS-C)?


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The first bunch of X-T1’s is shipping. The kit is already in stock at BHphoto too now (and also at AmazonUS). The body only is in stock via third party at AmazonUS and also at wexDE.

X-T1 body only ($1,299): USA: AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama / Pictureline / EU: wexDE / wexUK / PCHstore /
X-T1 with 18-55 ($1,699): USA: AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama / Pictureline / EU: wexDE / wexUK / PCHstore /

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Ok dear Fujifilm, we can live with it. We can wait until 2015 for the X-PRO2. We will wait because you promised us a “major breakthrough“. I still don’t know what this breakthrough will be, but I’m investigating.

As we know, there are 2 Fuji patents for new sensors: one is the organic sensor and the other is the one with the enlarged green pixels. Both could be an option for the X-PRO2… and of course, a full frame sensor.

So now it’s your turn, dear FR-readers. Which sensor you’d like to see in the X-PRO2. Feel free to vote the poll (and also to add new suggestions in the comments).

And in the meantime, Fuji, just give us XPRO1S with the X-TRANS version of Sony’s [shoplink 22210]Sony’s A6000[/shoplink] APS-C sensor, where phase-detect points cover 92% of the frame.

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